Promised Path Rewards not received by many

Why does everyone keep conveniently remove

    • this

From the quote? Are you simply misunderstanding, or actively twisted their words to support your case? Damn…

I’m not sure what to explain when the problem seems to be the reading issue, but I will try anyway. The 3 ifs are part of the first main section. There are 3 main sections, and you can only fit into one of them. Combining last condition of 1st section to 2nd section is just ridiculous.

Could they write the post to be clearer? Sure. Make it explicit that player on “first” Exalted path will get Paragon Path rewards, while player who already finished all Path (Level 1,500+) will “also” get something, which is first Exalted path rewards, because they’re on the 2nd+ one. Why do you think only Level 1,500+ players should get two compensation while everyone else get only one anyway?

Lack of reading comprehension is not a reason to create a bug report though, because the problem is your misunderstanding of the way things should work, and bug report is to reporting when thing doesn’t work as it should be. To discuss and ask them to clarify about it, you can just ask them in a gameplay chat or official post.

Maybe I was wrong when we get the official response, but I doubt that. I just don’t like bug report being used to push some agenda like this, when it should be use to resolve explicit game issues.

I don’t know why everyone keep missing the point, it’s not about rewards being miss-able, it’s about old players feeling entitled to earn reward from new content, when they already accomplished before the new system was added.

It’s very similar to the case here, and guess what, we also get a post about it. It’s more about PvP tier reward, but the main concept still fit.

And this response still work for now.

You can still make a case about how you should get it for sure, but surely not with bug report. They didn’t even have to retroactively give one more previous part to everyone, but they did anyway, and that’s still not enough for some. It’s not like there are miss-able deed books in them anyway.

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