Problem to launch the game (Error 768 Asset corruption on Xbox)

Hello Cyrup,

I was not in this case (as VonBarten) but I have as well the 768 one…

I don’t have iphone or ps4 so I can’t hep for the test

@LLOLAU essaies ce que kafka a dit

Ils pensent avoir trouver un fix


J’ai relancé le jeu ce matin après la mise à jour de la nuit , et ça fait le même problème…

i loaded on android, worked fine in south africa, but why would it not, it is creating new info not trying to load corrupt info from a corrupt server file, (have you checked all server files and compared sizes with each other to see if they might differ in size, and therefore be storing different amounts of info?

restarted the game 20 min ago, new update but still not working,

Has anyone looked at the actual server file where our “assets” are held???

I will have to ask that again, since that surely is where the problem s comming from, has anyone tried to link a test acount to retrieve info from the server in question to see if that file is working?

Essais de le relancer maintenant

Est-ce que tu vois la barre de data load en bas?

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doesn’t change anything here. same issue

You mention that you loaded the game this morning @T1MEK0DE. Can you please reload the game again, force close and reopen it, as the fix only went out in the last hour.

Vous dites que vous avez chargé le jeu ce matin @ T1MEK0DE. Pouvez-vous recharger à nouveau le jeu, forcer la fermeture et le rouvrir, car le correctif n’est sorti que dans la dernière heure

@iceinc Thank you for confirming. Yes, the team have investigated the code, and the problem is potentially not quite what you think it is. The suggestion of playing on another device is to rule out another potential cause.

Je l’avais relancé juste avant de t’envoyer un message.
J’avais effacer la zone réservée,
Oui je vois la barre de loading en bas, juste après la sélection du profil, ça marque téléchargement, et après ça refait les mêmes problèmes


Sorry @kafka @cyrup still not working :frowning:


I will pass on the information and we’ll keep investigating the problem

I really don’t think this is related since it’s affecting every single person from these three countries (as far as we know), but to answer your first question, yes I’ve had experience the issue of kingdoms appearing as number once or twice before, but it was quite some time ago and I saved my game to the cloud.

Regarding your second question, I can launch and play the Android version of the game with no issues at all. I don’t own a PS4 to test that version, unfortunately.

I hope this can help.

The team knows their own code base and engine well, so I’m not going to question a suggestion from them that might rule out a potential issue, even if it does seem ‘unrelated’ on the surface.

Thank you for confirming you can load the game fine on another device, I’ll pass it on

I 've tryed launching the game less than one hour ago without success, I can’t again because now I am at work.

But [I don’t know if it helps] but surprisingly I won a success during downloading the update… it was not in the right language (‘milenario’ if I remember well, maybe it is spanich or portuguese ), the success was about a level 1000. That’s strange without playing to reach a new success and I reached level 1000 since several weeks in the differents levels! Either it is a new success…

About the succes, I saw it is a new one of the update 4.1 so ok but I got it in the wrong language.

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I have just started up the game quit shut down restarted power off at the wall, switched on restarted the game and same problem persists,

If it helps when on the 1st time when i uninstalled and tried to reinstall there was a problem connecting to the Microsoft store but the message that came up said it was their side. maybe the corruption happened due to that? not that i can see how but who knows, it is at least a different avenue to explore?


I’m sorry, It wasn’t my intention to offend anyone. You’re right, I don’t know anything about game development and I will avoid giving my personal opinions and speculations about what can or can’t be causing this issue.


i just retried. and i got same issue
then i just redownloaded the game and unfortunately, it doesnt change anything


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Franco I know nothing about game development and coding, when i had computer science we only had black and green monitors and worked in GW basic, but i will be damned if i let you apologize for making a speculation or giving an opinion, computer science is not rocket science, and too often with a coder or any profession in fact they are stuck inside their own box even if their own thinking is outside of the normal box and very often a different perspective helps even if not in a way that you think it might even if it just rules out 1 thing that could have been an issue, as it stands, either brazil za and france all of a sudden changed heir IP systems and can no longer read code the way it is sent, or if those countries are running on separate servers there might be a fault on those servers, (logic dictates that with the new patch that went out you might slip in a piece of code redirecting those countries to a known good server to see if the problem then is resolved and hence single out the servers as a point of failure, But since this is all just too mundane and logical and fits inside the box of normal i am sure the team that knows their code inside and out {that obviously has no bugs, and no borrowed code from a repository} has already tried a similar option to rule out the servers,

Je viens de voir que sur la x box j’avais la version …
Je viens de regarder sur l’apple Store on avait la version 4.1 …

J’ai le même problème depuis mardi matin, ce matin, il y a eu une mise à jour et ça n’a rien changé pour moi toujours le même code erreur 768

Il y a eu une mise à jour ce matin et ça ne fonctionne pas