Praise for Devs

Some facepalms back at you. Because you are on the internet doesnt mean u shouldnt behave, so please do everyone a favour and behave. An instant win for you!



If it’s free for you, it’s because others have paid for it.

Also, LOL… OP thinks people who pay for games are “cheaters” and we should all just WORK HARD to earn our stuff in games, otherwise we are “brain dead.” Do you pirate all your other games too?

You call us brain dead, but you seem to have no concept of work. Do you have a job? Do you get paid for it to support yourself and maybe a family? Perhaps you should just go in to your boss and say “Look, I’d like to actually work for FREE. No need to pay me. I’d like to provide my services to you for free. Because, if you’re paying me, and I’m providing a service, it means you’re CHEATING in life!”


Lets make sure he see this…

Not starving, no. Do think it as meant like that.

But if there was no one paying at all, we’d either have an annoying amount of ads forced on us so they can make money, or the game would shut down.

Yes, both of those scenarios are possible, as is a third: the game shifting focus to try and give the players a better experience. I wouldn’t hold my breath on the third because it tends to take much more work/investment than setting up an ad campaign and companies like to run as lean as they can, but it is still an option.

I still wouldn’t urge people to pity-spend in F2P. Spend if the game earns the money, don’t spend if it doesn’t.


Definitely not. F2P is a valid choice. Only buy stuff if you really want to (and enjoy the game).


Hello, i’m new here. I was reading through this topic and decided to register.