Poll: What's Your VIP Level?

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  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

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Random unrelated question, how do you make a poll like that?

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Level 3 here

See here, @Tacet:

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Level 10, but because of the retro.

What’s the retro?


Every $ spent before the implementation of VIP was counted towards it.

Level 1. I bought some gems last month merely to support the team. I have never felt the need to pay to progress in the game.

Level 0 :confused:
I don’t even have means to buy anything, I would do it once to show my appreciation of devs work.

Donated about 250 dollars to the team. VIP level 3. Some donation done by PS4 also.

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I have a question for the VIP 10 : what made you put some much money in the game?
I consider a game that costs 50$ as very expensive and usually prefer to wait for sales. So I am wondering what makes people give so much for a game that is basically free.
I am not criticising at all, I am just curious.

I guess on a long term some people don’t find 50-100$ a month like something much, and they want to support developers, so they buy to support them, not to progress faster in game.


It’s like a show of appreciation for all the time offered.

You can buy a brand new game for 40-60$, get about 30+ hours out of it. But if you’re spending that time playing GoW and in turn you don’t buy that 40-60$ game, you might as well spend it on a game you’re already enjoying.


Both what @DonBoba and @Zelfore said…

Games with microtransactions are in general excellent at achieving this kind of incoming rate. Take League of Legends, the usual example. I’ve played it since beta, so that’s 6+ years of on and off gameplay. Thousands of hours. No initial cost, no monthly subscription cost. But in-game goodies that I didn’t have to get ramped up over time to the tune of probably $200-300 or something. WAY more than most purchasable games. But because its over such a long timeframe, or in the case of Gems its theoretically covering a long timeframe, it doesn’t seem as unreasonable as it would for a game that only has that 30~ hours of gameplay.

25 points away from level 3.
Mostly from buying the daily gems deal.

I’m not to VIP 10 yet, but I’m also a newer player and have no issue with getting there one day.

I think of it in terms of what I’m getting for my entertainment value and I’m a big fan of the daily gems deal. It’s an amazing value and it’s basically a subscription that says, “Sure, I’ll toss you all $10/month to help keep the game alive while I play 40+ hrs a month.” That’s basically 2 cups of Starbucks a month. And if you think about $120/year for 500+ hrs of entertainment it’s crazy reasonable. That’s the equivalent of buying 2 PS4 games (that you almost certainly won’t play for 250 hrs each).

I also understand that not everyone is in a position to spend money on games (or refuses to do so out of principle even though they get so much value out of it), which means someone has to spend or else the game ceases to exist and we all suffer.


Level 5 atm. I have dropped close to $200 on the game recently but i do not regret a dime of it. The way that I look at it is this…As long as we spend our money on something that we enjoy doing, then what we’re spending it on is really irrelevant. I can think of far worse things to spend it on than this game. :wink:


So true. Hands up! (:innocent:)


I’m currently level 8, but I’ve been playing since it released on Steam. So I got the bump from previous purchases (Thank you by the way). I plan to reach Level 10 as Puzzle RPG’s are one of my favorites and I love the setup of GoW. I do like the Daily Gem package as it is a more affordable item and rewards people for playing and is the best value for the $.