Poll: Pirate Market (for the Pirate Kingdom)

There are many ways to cycle resources, however i think the devs have finally put the nail in the coffin for gem/gold-cycling. If you can get 15k from a map, it can be recycled, however it is far easier to get 30 glory. Gems are easy to get, however in order to recycle the map you need to get about 100 or so gems, These figures are based on the store, and how to “trade” resources currently in game. It is expensive to do, and very rng based.

What a simple and yet, as far as I know, unvoiced idea! A Map Chest would go right along with the structure of this game, RNG chests, and be a meaningful way to discard of amassed maps. I am very fond of this idea… :wink:


It’s been suggested before, or something like it. The primary consequence would be that actually playing Treasure Hunt would be an even worse choice, in terms of resources for the time, effort, or currency.

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@spherix What if instead of those base coins turning into Gold… they were actually the denominations for the Slot Machine? So, copper, silver, gold tokens. And every match in a TH earned you that many tokens in the slot machine game?

Then, the ONLY place to acquire slot tokens would be from actually playing TH! All of a sudden, those maps become VERY valuable and NOT just to try and get to a VAULT but the actual playing of every turn because it is the mundane matches that generate tokens for the slot machine.

Kinda liking this alot… :wink:

Or should I say a “slot”… :grin: :slot_machine: :grin:

EDIT: i corrected myself, ignore this post and scroll to down to see actual Sirrian comment :slight_smile:

Sirrian stated that he is firmly against ever adding slot machine mechanism to the game.
At some of previous featured request about traitstones. Just to inform you what’s devs opinion of it, not saying this idea is bad or good :slight_smile:

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either slot machine would then require thousands of tokens per a try and give a solid reward, or you would just create another click-time sink in which case id most probably prefer to just mass ‘force-quit’ the map to get current TH rewards instead

edit: im glad to see:

We have ongoing problems with this 2 resources:
-treasure maps (from levels 200 and above but a big problem from that point. Maybe even for some lower levels too)
-major traitstones (i don’t think that at any point of the game any player ever lacked any color of major traistones)
They need a change and rework, but I don’t know what can be done. Taking out major stones out of glory keys would probably be a step into right direction. But we also need a new way to use TM. I have couple ideas for those but I’ll just wait out and see what happens there.

I’ll have to correct myself. I found original Sirrian statement on the matter. He didn’t like the poker machine in old PQ but would consider adding one to GoW at some point.


i hope this will clear once we get more mini-games (there could be more mini-games that require maps to enter or we could have an option to trade mini-game tokens for other mini-game tokens)

thats so true

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