Poll ALL PLATFORMS - Increasing the cost of starting a Guild

its like with that quick fix for 1 unit teams- they blocked the abuse but the real issue got worsened,

i think more reasonable is to leave them be until the matter of guild tasks vs statue levels is addressed instead of deleting them and makign the whole issue way worse

What if ten mates want to start a guild and it’s a million, how can they all chip in 100k each to get started if no one has a mil spare? Maybe 500k but I’d imagine there’s a lot of tidying up to do already etc.
Its a last resort these days in my opinion.

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Some kind of regular guild clean-up would be helpful. Even if, say, once every 6 months, every player that hadn’t logged in for 90 days or more was removed from their guild, and any guilds that were left empty as a result were disbanded, that would clear a lot of the deadwood from the forest.

Increasing the barrier to entry somewhat would also be good, but I’m not sure about the thresholds.


Can I edit my vote, pressed the wrong fkin button :triumph:

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Yes, just click “hide results” and you can re-vote.


Thanks matey :+1:


Posted it before.

I personally strongly disagree with deleting data, in this case: Guilds. What happens when a player returns after an absence to find his Guild completely removed? Now you have data retrial or compensation issues to waste time on.

Now the developers should make it VERY VERY difficult to auto join a dead guild. Based on chat comments I think the algorithm on console it to take the oldest most inactive Guild and place new players in it. This is a causes all types of the issues for everyone involved.

It has also been a problem for almost as long as the game has out.

“Sorry player, you hadn’t logged in for 3 (or 6 or 15 months, or whatever). We assumed you were dead. We kept your account saved, but deleted the guild that was cluttering up the ecosystem for everyone.”

I used to play Ikariam and there was a two week inactivity check. Once you were deemed inactive, you could pick up your cities where you left off, but the game could relocate your cities to different islands, or even a different server if activity levels had dropped off around where you had previously been. I think a reasonable period of time, whatever that is, allows the devs to take some action on the game for the good of the whole playerbase, and cleaning up inactive guilds so new players can actually find active ones, would be good.

I guess a less extreme version that wouldn’t result in guild deletion would be just to remove any inactive guilds from the in-game guild search. They’d still be there if the players within picked up their accounts again, but no one could join them until they were active again.

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That’s generally my whole point, I might not have been clear. Why mess with having to reactive anything, Its just more support tickets and labor cost. I think the developers wrote the code for Guild search before there was a single active player or first Guild created and haven’t touched it since. Actual real life players has shown major flaws in putting new players in dead Guilds. Specifically its an ATROCIOUS idea for the health of the game.

Yeah, I think I became more convinced of what you were saying as I was writing my reply.

To @DonBoba’s point, I can’t see any reason why a name should be locked up forever just because some guy who hasn’t played in two years started a guild, took a cool name and deleted the game the next day. I think there does come a point where it would be perfectly reasonable to disband old guilds and for the players who were inactive for so long to have no recourse. If they really cared about their precious guilds, they could have logged in once in a while.


This is a great point that really got me thinking. Here is what I came up with:

  • A good guild needs a great leader who is responsible, reliable, and consistent. Being able to save 1mil gold just to start a guild says a lot about that person. Not necessarily that they are all of those things but it does show commitment to the game.

  • 1mil is a lot for one person to eat when 29 others get to reap the benefits as well. So, what if for every person that joins your guild the GL is awarded a recruitment bonus of 30k gold. After 29 such emails that GL no longer receives recruitment bonuses so you can’t abuse it for profit. This would in the end mean that the guild only cost the GL 130k to start.

  • This would still be higher than it is now and would still require somebody that wants to lead to put their money where their mouth is but if they make a great guild and recruit they can recoup some cost.



Seems like it would be hard to really abuse that, but it also seems quite complicated. Are there limits on the size of the guild when it starts from scratch, or is it just the number of higher-ranked players that is limited at the start? Just thinking that it might take a while for the GL to be able to recoup their investment if the size of the guild is limited. Also, what if the guild changes leaders before it has recruited a full 30 members? Overall, it just seems unnecessarily complicated.

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Level raises another good poll. I think 200 is way too late but it’s definitely too early right now. Maybe 50?

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Does anyone even remember how long it takes to get to level 50 or 100? I mean, those seem like reasonable numbers, but I don’t know if you can do that in a weekend, or if it would take a month of serious play.


I agree it’s a bit complicated but it does mitigate the cost over time. And yes it would be over a very extended period of time. As the guild begins with what 5 spots I think. And as the guild levels up more spots open. But again this is motivation for GL to actually RUN a good guild.

Finally the switching of GL is already complicated as the dev’s have to get involved. And I would say that if that occurs the new GL is NOT entitled to recruitment emails as they did not invest the initial gold and hat the original GL forfeits any future emails that would have come.

BUT… if the recruitment emails are supposed to be an external motivator to inspire the GL to run a decent guild then perhaps the new GL SHOULD be allowed to continue to receive them until the guild hits the 29th email… :thinking:

Damnit @Stan you’re making me think during my summer vacation… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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@Stan I have no idea how long

I think internally the developers have an line in the sand. In PvP once you hit a certain level you started seeing opponents up to 1k. I don’t recall that number anymore.

In addition the developers have Daily Tasks switch over out of Tutorial mode at level 150 I think.

I thought that was more that the tasks finished when they are finished, which was intended to be around level 150, but players could get them done sooner if they focused on them. However, one of the last linear tasks might be something like raise all of your mana masteries to 25 or reach level 150, or something. I barely even remember the linear tasks, and that was version 1.0 that I did, not the 2.0 version which is in place now. Maybe someone that has done the tasks more recently could help.

I believe it would really help if the tutorial clearly points out the benefits of joining an established guild.

It is daunting for someone who never had any clan or guild experience to expect any good guild to want them as they are just starting out. This is the majority of the newer players’ mindset. The feeling that they are not good enough for an already established guild. So, they just start their own guild, not wanting to impose.

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One of the reasons I posted this was because I talked to a person this morning about why he/she started a guild. The only real replay was because I could. Sadly because I could is a bad answer not only because that person was barely level 40 but because they did it without ever looking into other guilds. Without asking the important question of what will I gain.

When I first joined Gems it was back when there was no chat and the only real benefit of being in a guild was to have a much larger mana pool. Now there are so many benefits to being in a guild it’s crazy to allow people to open one without first exploring their options.

After reading all your comments I feel that a million might be to high but 100,000 is definetly too low. Maybe a half a million would be the correct number. I liked the idea of paying back the million over time to the new recruits, however it sounds complicated to impliment especially if someone finds a way to abuse it.

Quite possibly my favorite comment so far was to simply insert a level inhibitor rather than make this money based. With that said I would have no qualms about leaving the 25,000 starting price if we were to bump the level to 200. I say 200 because one of my new members has been grinding like mad and dropped 100 levels in less than 30 days. So making it 200 suggests to me that it would take the average person at least 2 months to accomplish the task.

I’m thrilled with the response this has garnered and I thank you all for participating. My only hope now is that the developers will take this into account and will find a way to impliment changes accordingly.


Reminds me. I just logged into gems of war on Playstation last week for the first time in a long time. A year and a half or so. The guild I made to complete a task was still there. I would not of been upset at all if I logged in and found out my guild was deleted for inactivity. In fact I was expecting it.