Poll about playing everyday or not

Yeah I said this in the other thread, it’s okay for our Guild Leader to ask us to play every day because we can tell them to piss off, but when the Devs of a game are trying to persuade/require you to play the game every day it just feels kind of wrong. Even though the reason in this case is for fairness to all guilds that participate, and not for harmful reasons.

We know the Devs, and they’re nice good people. But it still just feels wrong. We should play every day because we want to, not by some carrot on a stick. I mean that in the best way possible.


Rewarding means you get a reward. It doesn’t mean you’re on a level playing field. Tiny, casual guilds should not be competitive with very active, hardcore guilds.

By its very nature the forums give voice only to the vocal minority. Just because the side presented here more forcibly isn’t the one you agree with doesn’t mean anything. The forums are still a tiny percentage of the overall playing population so complaining that your tiny percentage of a percentage is being underrepresented and the other tiny percentage of a percentage is being overrepresented doesn’t really hold much water in the context of overall representation from the player base. When we’re talking about hundreds of thousands of players, a poll of less than 100 people (who already aren’t representative of the overall whole) really means nothing no matter which way you slice it. A new poll, even if worded better, still won’t be statistically significant to derive any real meaning from it.

Edit: I just realized I used a lot more words to say the exact same thing @HKdirewolf already said better. lol

Maybe I misread what you previously wrote as I do agree with that statement.

Not in disagreement with you. But no matter the system a game implements, Hardcore will always reap more benefits than Softcore, simple because they play more, typically are better because of playing more.

Now the negative effects of too many systems that “require” you to do something daily or every other day, this could cause an even large discrepancy between hardcore and softcore. This is simply because if the Softcore players (casual) deem this as a waste of time, you will only have the top guilds doing it, then soon players split guilds more often due to the needs of the players.

I’m not sure there is a way to implement a system that benefits both players equally, I’m thinking a 7 day system might be a tad long for the softcore players, and really only boosts hardcore more.

How about a once weekly event, where the guild chooses the day they want to do the event on, and people can attempt to organize a “group” of players within the guild to participate. (Those whom want to participate, maybe only a 10, 15 or 20 person “war”. This will allow for those on vacation, away from game, or simple unable to participate to not hurt your guild in those wars.

1 Week long event really only benefits hardcore players the most. 1 Day event is more apt to both casuals and hardcore.


Yeah, I think maybe I misread what @Studs was saying as I’m in agreement to both his response and yours. I thought he was saying that devs created the whole Guild Wars just for the hardcore, which I disagree with, but I do agree that more effort and coordination should always equal better rewards. That’s just how competitive games work. :slight_smile:


i disagree, guild system is not made yet so its hardcore character is still under speculation

about what should be needed to perform best in the guild war i would prefer to be the quality of fights and not as much the frequency/time placement of those fights

i dont see putting more value into quality as a nonsense

there is simple method to make fight timing totally closed for exploits:

if i remove the tiny part, so taking 30 ppl who play more or less but play enough every week and if they made 30 x 5 x 6 (one day is excluded if i understand correctly) of perfect color victories i dont see a reason why they shouldnt be competitive with the top/big super active guilds. i dont think the frequency of those fights should be added to equation, activity is not much of a “sklill” and there is already single player pvp ranking to totally display and glorify the activity, i dont see a need for a new game mode that would glorify that

im not saying that i think giving complete freedom to when the fights are done is best solution, but i really feel like more freedom then the 1-2 days req. is needed and fair

edit: i just found this on the other thread, i vote for this :open_mouth:

or some combination of the 10tickets 2 days req. with this top 800 battles thing :slight_smile:

edit 2:
nvm everything, devs got something new, possibly best so all speculations are pointless until we find out what is it :smiley:
(meh keeping up with all the threads after i wake up and get to work huh…)


Just going to drop this here: Humane Design - Games Must Be Good to Their Players - Extra Credits - YouTube