PLZ put the remaining 30+ weapons to the flash offer pool

all of my doomed/cursed weapons are +10 already, with 30+ major orbs of forging left. dosen’t change a thing

Sorry, maybe I should use the Reply thing, somebody above said that they need weapons for power levels. With that much of orbs, you saved all the keys from vault events then decide to use them after the orbs became avaible, right?

well, the thing is NS platform have unobtainable weapons comparing to other platforms. so no matter how we play or spend money, we just cannot have enough weapons to gain new power level. but the game system thought we could have(because it’s normal on other platforms), then the middle slot of daily offer became a dead loop(offering ingots all the time) because of the stupid mechanism

Could we please have @Jeto @Kafka or someone else respond to this issue?

From my perspective it is as simple as this: if a kingdom needs 1 of the paid exclusive weapons to upgrade to the next kingdom level, we should have a way to obtain it.

How hard is it to find a way to bring these weapons into the game through flash offers, daily deals, the soul forge, or some other way?

My patience is already thin because this has been asked numerous times. Oh, and if you guys want some “incentive” for helping us out, people would pay money for these weapons in flash offers.

You’re throwing away money and displeasing the gow switch community. Simple as that.

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We want OLD event weapons that aren’t in rotation. Not unreleased weapons.

I don’t care for the daily offer, i just want the weapon.

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Today a weapon is missing for Karakoth kingdom, the third one !

3 Kingdoms blocked :upside_down_face:

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@Nimhain, can we please get a response on this issue for Nintendo switch users?

I know that you guys are probably busy with patch 7.0 or some other update, but the missing weapon issue for Nintendo switch users is a serious problem that needs to be resolved ASAP.

All we are asking for is a response like, “we are working on the issue.” Please just let us know that you care about us and will have a solution in the near future.

(Btw, good luck in guild wars this week, Kass. May your mind be clear and your hands steady). :sunglasses:


2 years later here they are !!! :beer:

164.67€ to get them ! :facepunch:


I tried communicating with our struggles, Kass, and this was the only way they would bring them into the game. They said that the weapons couldn’t be given for free, but this is just pure greed at its worst.

Sorry I couldn’t do more for all of us on Nintendo Switch. (I will try to renegotiate after the holidays):beers:

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Thx,you Darkborne!!!

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This is likely the same cost as they are across other platforms where they are something like £4 or £5 pounds each.

Sounds like the same price tag as on other platforms… $4.99 for one. I don’t think they were given for free at any time (although I’ve been playing for “only” 4 years, so someone playing longer might correct me.

I was trying to work out a gem offer to get our missing/unowned weapons, but it didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to. (Obviously they can’t share sensitive information with me, but I would have liked to understand how they develop new things being added to the game):thinking:

Anyway, there is a new patch on the horizon and a busy holiday schedule for them, but hopefully I will still be around in January to try to talk things over with them again.

(Btw, I’ll c u in guild wars next week, Skeleton, and hopefully the pricing gets fixed for u Kass, so that weapons r 4.99 USD):sunglasses:

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I think they were free once but that was before my time, too.

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they are not supposed to be free, like other platforms.
i just want them to be available

Technicalities: they were available for Glory at their time of release. so… almost free.

That being said other more expensive (resource purchased) weapons are available to be crafted, so I don’t quite get why these aren’t. There’s nothing particularly special about most of these, power level-wise or how they were obtained originally (for resources).

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Ah, I see. :slightly_smiling_face:

Most of them are actually terrible so why anyone would be inclined to spend money on them just for kingdom progression is beyond me. Not really worth it. :sweat_smile:

I’ll likely never have all weapons and that’s okay.

I’ll maybe not even have all troops ever again but that’s a whole other story…


Thanks darkborne for what u do and did :+1:

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Glad I could help u out. U’re the one that started me on this path, and I got a little push from captain awesome. Taking a break from talking things over with them and will try again in January after the new patch and the holidays. Cheers.:beer: