Please Fix Gem SHOP to make Deeds, Pets, Imperial Deeds, Writs FAIR for ALL šŸ˜Ž

I may be crazy, because I am, but if I am willing to buy the pets I need (I got a Billy Kid offer today), and am not willing to buy anything else, then why target me with the other things?

Similarly, if players are willing to purchase writs and deeds, then let them.

I do not have access to sales data, but if no one is purchasing ā€œcrafting resourcesā€, then why continue to offer them? Yup, Iā€™m the crazy one. Perhaps I am not alone. Wait, who said that?

Guild Wars week!! For the Horde. :axe::rage::shield:


Just wanted to say I get offers like the one you just posted at least five times a week. I mentioned earlier today that Iā€™ve only gotten the offer for a chaps orb once but I checked my game today and I got another chaos orb today. So two times out of this entire time they have started with these offers Iā€™ve only gotten what I needed twice.


Thank you @Kafka for clarifying that it is Indeed a Feedback Request and not a Bug since it Intentionally does not check inventory. Please see my Inventory of crafting items and Delves stuff above.

Also unfortunate in the current design, it sounds like it stops offering Pets if you have 2 Mythic pets in a Kingdom? I still need Pets!

Maybe @Sirrian @Nimhain Etc. can comment on why the SHOP is so heavily skewed to RNG when you are asking us to spend Gems? :gem:

Yay! Look, a NEW SHOP Offer for Today!

But of course I still need Imperial Deeds, Writs, Deedsā€¦



I would happily spend gems on what I need. As a matter of fact I have so much to spend but it seems like the game doesnā€™t want them!


Please rework these soon!

Yay for writs, but really wish these offers were useful more often than once in months.

I was offered a Sacred Cub today. Only 29 more until I can get it to Mythicā€¦

I would have thought theyā€™d continue to offer the ones that were closer to ascension. Plus I have 10 Kingdoms at 12 that need a mythic pet, while Whitehelm would need another 10 Hero levels that I donā€™t feel like doing, and using an Orb on that most recent Boss Killer, and Iā€™ll probably get enough food to feed Tiny Dancer before I get offers for 29 more Cubs. I guess Iā€™m rambling.

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Yes, wish DEVS still listened to player Feedback AND acted on it!

I remember the first few years of GEMS when the DEVS were driven by Players rather than by profits. Seems a focus on Players would often maximize profits also. Not sure the focus on profits will allow Gems to continue for a couple more years. Players seem to be quitting in Hoards? Only time will tellā€¦

Curiosity but who bumped this thread before me? Looks like they deleted their post?


They probably could make a 4th daily offer that offers deeds monday - saturday (matching the color of the dungeon) and imperial deeds on Sunday.

Orā€¦ they could fix how messed up the Imperial Deed system is in general. The rate weā€™re given doesnt make any sense for Kingdom Level 16-20.


Like a ā€œcopy and pasteā€ of Daily Dungeons but a GEMS offer for DEEDs? @TheIdleOne :heart: BRILLIANT!!


I agree the imperial deeds are so beyond broken itā€™s not funny.


We really need another way to earn Imperial Deeds - they are way too scarce.