Pharos Ra Support Group... All Welcome... šŸ˜­

Go for Euryali, sheā€™s one of the most useful Mythics out there.


Have a Euryali twiceā€¦trade it for Yasemine :wink:


Iā€™m sorry you canā€™t have a Pharos-Ra, but please enjoy this river otter!

You canā€™t be sad after watching that, can you?


If you all try, you might be able to convince the devs during the live stream to refresh troops twice a week, Friday which is new mythic / kingdom day in addition to Monday.

I feel like youā€™re trying to trick meā€¦:thinking:

Iā€™d laugh if Pharos-Ra showed up on Christmas.

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She is actually pretty good. For gw she is a good damaging summoner. She also works well with scorpious. She may not be the best mythic, but she has her uses.


Euryali is better with 2 of her. Basically, just look at her as solid true damage, with a bonus summon.

She can be fun in a Naga team, but they donā€™t cut it on defense.


^^^What they said (although IDK about twin Euryalis as I only have one).

Besides strong true damage + summoning, her 2nd trait ā€˜indigestibleā€™ makes her excellent insurance against Krakens when sheā€™s sitting in the 4th spot.

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Is there a mid week switch or just once a week?

I have 7000 diamonds, with the weekly reset will I have enough for next weeks troops if I get stonehammer now.

Iā€™m pretty sure the mid-week switch was a one-time error. According to Taranā€™s World, it didnā€™t happen last week, so you should be safe to craft Stonehammer and be ready to go for whatever comes up next week (assuming youā€™re getting enough daily packs to get your last 1000 by next weekend).

Plus maybe the gifts will have some diamonds

We can hope!

We can also hope that the last couple gifts will be available for a few days after Christmas so that I can actually collect themā€¦


7500 diamonds after shards, death or stonehammer?


Stonehammer, since he count towards PL kingdom. Hes pretty bad tho.


Between those 2? Stonehammer.

Though my Dwarf team went 0-12 with him in front yesterday, so what do I know?

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Stonehammer is mostly for collection purposes tho. He often mishit with his spell which means you have lost the match whenever he do so. CPU plays him possibly better tho.

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I think hammer just because summoning a non traited troop is annoying but then again I summon death too.

There are 16 troops in Khaziel, so you donā€™t even need him to 8 star that kingdom. And another one coming in a few weeks.


Yeah, itā€™s still room for waiting, ure right.