Pet Rescue rework

So, I’ve been thinking about this and I think this mode could do with a substantial overhaul. Aside from Deeds and Books of Deeds, obtaining Pets and Pet Food are one of the biggest blocks in the game for leveling up Kingdoms, and we see a lot of requests on forums for being able to get old cosmetic Pets. So, here’s what I’d like to see changed, to make this mode better.

  1. Availability - Make the Pet Rescue box in games available all the time, so that at any moment you can select it and go to the Pet Rescue menu. This means that you would no longer have to have a Pet Rescue active to access it.

  2. Time Limit - Remove the time limit for Pet Rescues. No more one hour limit.

  • On Wednesday, every player is given one Pet Sigil, as long as they log in during the day. Pet Sigils do not expire and can be used at will, so the Pet Rescue no longer needs to be done on Wednesday if players do not wish to. Also, defeating a Pet Gnome on a Wednesday will now reward players exactly the same as defeating it on any other day.
  • While this seems odd, having Pet Sigils will allow players to play when they want. The devs might give a hard limit of 10-50 Pet Sigils in your inventory so that you can’t just stockpile them forever and to encourage players to actually use them up. Much like Delve tokens being limited, but since you get Pet Sigils as rewards, the limit should be much higher.
  1. Pet Gnomes - Change Pet Gnome rewards. They now give one Pet Sigil to you every time you defeat one, with a small chance of an additional reward, say 5% chance of an additional Pet Sigil. They also give one Pet Sigil to every member of your guild, sent via mail with a time limit of 24 hours. The Pet Food you would normally get will instead be given at another point.
  • They do not begin a Pet Rescue and thus you no longer miss out on rewards for having a Pet Rescue already.
  1. Pet Rescue - Change the tabs in the Pet Rescue menu to the following: Overview, Rewards, Shop.
  • Remove the Fight and Pet Info tabs from this menu (more on this to follow).
  1. Overview - The Overview tab would change to provide info on what Pet Rescue is and how to play it, a box displaying the total number of Pet Sigils you own, and a button to “Start Rescue”.
  • Pressing the button will consume one Pet Sigil, begin a Pet Rescue and take you to a screen equivalent to the old Fight tab, where 8 boxes are shown, which have to be completed in order, and the enemies behind each box increase in difficulty (just like currently).
  • If you already have a Pet Rescue started, the button will instead say “Continue Rescue” and take you back to the existing Pet Rescue.
  1. Fights - Fights now give Pet Baskets as rewards directly. You do not have to go to a separate tab and claim the Baskets (and other rewards) as they are all given at the end of the fight. Fights give one Basket each, and completing all 8 fights will let you Complete the Pet Rescue and claim a bonus Basket and one random coloured Pet Food, much like ending a delve and claiming the Delve Chest. Once you Complete the Pet Rescue it closes and you must start a new one to play more battles.
  • Should you end the Pet Rescue without having fought all 8 battles, you do not get a Basket but you do get two white Pet Food or one random coloured Pet Food, as long as you have won at least one battle. You cannot end the Pet Rescue if you have not won at least one battle. (This is the equivalent of the Pet Food reward you would have gotten from the Pet Gnome, so you don’t miss out.)
  • As currently, you can exit the Fight screen, back to the Pet Rescue menu, and return at any time to continue fighting. You will not lose progress for doing so, nor for losing a fight. You may try to defeat a battle as many times as you wish until you do so.
  1. Rewards - Instead of the current system of event rewards (a line of boxes which must be completed in order to unlock the next reward), the Rewards tab now has three sections. In the first, you can cash in Pet Baskets for random rewards which include a random Pet OR Pet Food of a random colour OR a quantity of Jewels in a random colour. The second section is the “Pet of the day offer” which presents a randomly selected Pet each day and gives you 26 copies of that pet for 30 Pet Baskets (enough to unlock and fully upgrade the pet at a somewhat favourable rate). The last section contains a small group of Pets chosen each week which can be purchased individually for 3 Pet Baskets each. (Exact costs would be decided by the devs based on the rate at which Pet Baskets give Pets so that it’s more expensive to buy the pets directly but not by much, and you know that you get exactly the Pet you want).
  • The point is that rather than opening the Pet Basket immediately it becomes more like a key or currency to use when you choose. Pet Baskets are added to your inventory and stay there until spent, with no limit on how many you can have, allowing you to save them for Pets you don’t own if the current offers don’t appeal to you.
  1. Shop - Obviously the devs want money, and monetisation is the only way they’ll agree to make significant changes like these, so I’m going to suggest adding a Shop in Pet Rescue. Here there will be deals for individual Pets and Pet Food, as well as bundles, available for real world money and/or in-game currencies. So, you might have an individual Pet shown available for 100 gems, and another available for whatever the going rate is in your local currency.
  • The prices on offer would be slightly worse than offers shown elsewhere with limited access, such as daily offers, Arena and those from the Merchant in explore/delves, so as not to invalidate those offers, but would be permanently available (though the exact Pets shown would rotate like the Mythics in Soulforge).
  1. Pet Info - Instead of having a specific tab for Pet Info, given that Pet Rescue no longer focuses on one Pet at a time, this information is now shown elsewhere. When selecting any offer in the Rewards or Shop tabs, the Pets included in the offer will be shown and selecting them will bring up a display much like the current Pet Info tab, where you can see the Pet’s current level, how many you own, the level cap and how many you need to reach the next level cap, what Food the Pet needs and how many of that Food you own, as well as what bonuses (if any) the Pet provides. This way you have all the info you need to decide whether or not to purchase the offer and what else you might need to purchase (like how many Pets to buy and what Pet Food to buy).

My main goals here are making Pet Rescue more accessible and to improve the rewards available, as well as making it easier to purchase what you need. Please let me know what you think and if you would be happy with these changes.


The time limit is essential.
So we can grind pets on vault weekends.
Imo. Wednesday is the worst gow day because of pet rescue all day.
Food should be easy obtained just grind explore and get merchants.
And there’s so many pets now in the game.
Plus new ones non stop.
Sorry didn’t read all your post, but an hour is perfect for a pet rescue.
Also do a gap, stay in PvP. You end up with approx, 100 white pet food.


+1 I’m all in!!
Sign me up please for this brilliant concept! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Except now you’d stockpile tokens instead and use them after the GAP is done or after the vault weekend is done. You wouldn’t be any worse off.

Exactly. Making the Pet Rescue based on Pet Sigils and giving one free Pet Sigil on Wednesday would remove this issue entirely.

Doing large amounts of grinding is still an option, and gives the best prices, but being able to spend more at any time to grab what you need can still be a thing for those who want to do so.

Ah, that’s probably the problem. Lol.


O sorry :rofl:.
I actually re-read it and still didn’t understand.
Thankyou for explaining.
I’m being dozy.

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Thank you. I feel like it would make Pet Rescues better for players and better for the devs.

Can I also add.
Give all cosmetic pets, a buff.
Like exp, gold , souls anything .
As the people who have been in the game the longest have more cosmetic pets usually.
So this is a little thankyou to those players who have stayed and helped the game grow.


This has been a long awaited wish for the Wednesday pet rescues to at least be a selectable pet gnome bait instead, but what you wrote is so much better and it provides a very detailed and well thought out solution that would enhance the enjoyment of this game while removing the many issues with pet gnomes and pet food.

Thank you @JHM :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

:heart: Anam Cara :heart:

* Magix *


I like these ideas. No matter what though the fact remains that pet rescue is very outdated and needs a rework. I think the pet sigil idea is golden.


Well this would be awesome! There are so many pets now that the current system makes it very hard for new players. I also wonder about some sort of tiered approach - I can remember the very early days where it would take me almost an hour to get through a pet rescue with my limited troops. And I did not get why they were important, so I skipped doing them for a bit. Now the pool is so big, if you don’t grab them when you can, who knows how long it will be before you see that pet again? So maybe 1 copy for a battle level equal to explore levels 1-3, 2 copies lvls 4-8, 3 copies lvl 9-12. Or something.

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bumping this idea

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Bumping this idea back up, cus I still think it would be so much better.