[PC/mobile] Have a life but still want to play on a good level? Join Drums of Krynn. 🌸 Full

Hi! We have an open spot! Come play with us, contact me or Space here or on Discord. (SpaceOddity#0934 or kevin-#0075 )

Discord it much better – we have pretty easy minimums and it’s hard to reach people through chat sometimes. Really good channel and really good guild. :slight_smile:

I’m all game for joining your guild

Hi @Goodhearted :smiley:

That’s great to hear. :+1: We’re currently full, but we can add you to our waiting list if you would like that. :slightly_smiling_face:

A lot has happened since we’ve had activity in this thread. We’re part of a bigger alliance now, so now you could join one of the other guilds while you wait for a spot to open, if you’d be up for that. Discord << link to the discord server