Panda Express

Yup, we’re investigating it.


Yes, as soon as the roll-over hit.

Zuul’Goth claims his first victims!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


is it bug?1000 glory?

Lol think to many people logged in at once and broke it all XD

Nope, this is correct. Weapons usually show up at this price in the Glory Shop.


Servers imploded! Nobody of my guild can connect right now. (xbox)


edit: and the few that manage to load the game told me they didnt receive GW rewards in mailbox.

oh,i see. thank you. :see_no_evil:

Usually? As in first time ever. Never have they been 1000 glory, merchant blade wasnt.


usually it has been 400 glory?

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Usually… starting… now.


Panda EXPRESS :smiley:

Any ETA on when it will be resolved?

Based on my experience with American Chinese food delivery, that screenshot is a pretty good depiction of “Panda Express”.

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yeah merchant blade was 300 if i recall i bought like…50 of them at the time xD


в этой игре хоть что нибудь нормально работает

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found it! :sunglasses:


Press the “Retry” button simulator

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So first they take the stones on weapons, then hike up the price 2 and a half times? I know consoles had the event keys taken out as they were mainly to help us catch up, but after we did catch up finally all the glory packs rose in price as well. Frankly, changes like these that are brushed off as normal, is rather insulting. It does matter that you changed it but I would rather have a wholesome answer than a diversion as especially on the forums, that will not fly. I like the update but these glory pack nerfs has got to stop.

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The 1st ever glory weapons ever added to the game cost 60 glory. At the time glory was a lot harder to come by. It was also just the weapon with no other resources.

Here is the only screenshot I have of it, when the 2nd ever glory weapon was added to the game:

Kind of blocked, but it is 60 glory:

I’m not sure what the current cost for the weapon is because the game won’t load atm due to server issues, but 60 glory then is about 1,000 glory now.

Back then, the max glory that could be earned per day was 16, and that was only if the player reached the top rank of pvp. This means it took around 4 days to get the weapon. These days it is possible to gets 1,000s of glory a day even with average amounts of play time.