Outstanding Work at the end of Campaign 3 Devs, I mean really

Unfortunately RNG doesn’t know that Suncrest doesn’t have any weapons that are Shield types.

So perhaps if your “RNG” is able to pick from any weapon task during World Event weeks. Then perhaps the logical thing would be to allow your players to pick any weapon as well.

Your RNG is only allowed to pick Suncrest teams tasks, Stormcaller Class Tasks, Kill Stryx type troops, ect. during Suncrest World Event Weeks.

Yet it was allowed to pick use a Shield Weapon Gold Task despite Suncrest not having a Shield Weapon.
In my opinion that’s more shameful than the Adventure Board and Dungeon Silver task landing the same week. Because the gold task is just lazy coding.

@Saltypatra but let’s make this blunder into a blessing and just remove weapon restrictions from world events all together. :grinning:

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