Other teams that need synergy vs. Goblins

As for elf, well zhul’kari has 4 or 5 colors spread but to get the 5 you need to summon the giant spider.
King of spiders 1 attack, 2 magic
Elf greneral 4 life, 1 magic
Green and purple step on each other but mana gain is sorta easy with tyri and the summoned giant spider.

Like i said they are huge punching backs, good bodies with decent attack, basically a lot of health for the opponent to go to town on, but that’s really it.
The only synergy this team has is solely provided by Jarl Creator of all Things and Bringer of Light.

Zephyros most definitely gives no board control, as column destruction/removal on its own is not controllable at all. You can’t really set things up this way and your opponent will get 4-match opportunity from it about as often as you get any kind of extra match by it.
His ratio also isn’t crazy as it theoretically maxes out at 6 possible destroyed yellow gems(which literally never happens) adding a hard capped maximum of 18 bonus damage to his spell(to an overall mid 30ish), and aside from this really never happening it also gets absolutely dwarfed by the damage potential of many other scaling split damage spells in the game.

Now don’t get me wrong i really do like Stormheim Giants and have stated so many times on this forum, i also think that most of them aren’t really that bad (still think Frost Giant is garbage, random frozen is close to useless in my eyes), but they really have no synergy between each other, other than Jarl Destroyer of Gods flooding the board with gems.

Frost Giant, Berserker and Zephyros are rather basic damage dealers(fire, deal damage, hand over turn), with all of them having dynamic but all around mediocre damage values that you can’t really actively influence though or set up your playstyle around.
They are good bodies though, i completely agree(aside from Frost Giant, who should go die somewhere please)

Look at Broken spire giants though. Decent board control, target-able damage and huge bodies. Stone giant and gob chomper have spells that damage and you have ogre and ettin that give mana generation. None are legendary so they are sorta easy to get other than chomper, Desent troop attack gains and the like. Covers all 6 colors or at least uses all 6 colors and can deny red to the opponent. Better than Stormheim giants by far.

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But they are also dirty and uncivilized and have no Jarl Giver of Life, so i will pass on them.

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Yeah, you’re right that Frost Giant’s spell really should be targetable. That plus the color changes and I think they’re fine. They’re not crazy broken OP but you end up with a really tanky team that gives one another HP, has some feeding, some attacking, some direct damage… it ends up being a pretty solid and well-rounded team.

That said, I’d love to see more effects like Berserkers where they damage themselves but do cool things in exchange so the large HP pool becomes a risk/reward situation. Maybe Zephyros’s & Frost Giant’s spells do damage to themselves in exchange for a 2x ratio, for example. Or, even cooler, would be if one of them uses life instead of mana for their spell. Maybe toss in a heal too. But that would all take a lot more work for a team that’s already pretty decent.

At any rate, I was hoping this would be a constructive thread so I’d love to hear some solutions for how you would improve the Giants of Stormheim (without making them OP). I can’t be the only one with ideas, and I’ve already done Adana, Mist of Scales, and Stormheim!

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Giants for stormhiem should get 2 less life but substitute if for plus 1 magic and tie it to the kingdom. This puts them on par this Broken spire without making them skull based.
With teams centered around a troop class, I want zhul’kari elves to have more magic

knights need more color spread but in swords edge they kinda cover 5 colors as well, lance knight and knight coronet cover use/cover 4 colors on their own and with griffon knight it makes yellow mana as a feeder.

Gaints take two kingdoms

Undead takes 2 almost 4 kingdoms, ghulvania, 5 mana spread banshee eats blue but gives red, feeding both vampire lord and flesh golem however vampire lord eats red.
khetar has 4 mana spread but makes a metric buttload of skulls and can change any color to skulls. Also purple feeder.

Daemons has blighted lands has a covers/uses 5 colors has a decent mana maker however it needs more daemons.

Divine whitehelm only covers 4 so it needs more mana spread for divine and for that particular kingdom.

Beast has no kingdom with 4 beasts in it so buff that type with more troops

construct with adana, with 4 colors, with one mana generator and multiple wide spread attacks.

These are based on what the players class can change into If anyone was wondering.

First i would change Zephyros to row or even row+column destruction instead of a simple column destruction, that way you could actually manipulate the board a bit with his spell, set things up or just get an extra 3-match instead of rolling the dice.
Another even better option that would take more work though to implement would be to make it a unique multiple columns destruction to emphasize the yellow=damage aspect more and give more of a unique thunderstorm flair to the spell of the mighty Stormgiant, adjust manacost, base damage, ratio if needed, but Zephyros damage kinda fell behind a bit with the 1.09 patch anyways.

I don’t have much on Berserker or Frost Giant right now, mostly because i like Berserkers concept as a troop, though i’d like to see the attack gain on his spell slightly increased, 4 seems a bit insignificant these days.
And the Regeneration trait buffed to two health per turn (respectively Reinforced trait to 2 armor per turn) but that’s more about trait balance than Berserker.

And for Frost Giant i would like to see an icy cave added to the game… where he can lie down and die in!
No seriously i have nothing on Frost Giant right now, i think he needs to be reworked entirely.
I will get back on that …some day.

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Another great thing about Goblins is that they are mostly at low rarities, wich means that it’s more likely that a player can get all of them without much trouble. Taking this into account some changes could be added to some basic troops, something like:

  • Peasant’s spell could be redone to add extra mana if he destroys a blue gem and if an ally gets his mana totally filled you gain an extra turn. He is a working class, he provides to the kingdom’s nobles that will use the resources to keep the order and maybe the justice.

Maybe some troops could get some pair bonus in form of extra effects like:

  • Warhound + Wolf Knight: When Warhound uses his spell Wolf Knight will gain 2 mana.
  • Poison Master + Scale Guard: After using Poison Master’s spell, if Scale Guard’s spell is ready, the spell is cast on a poisoned random troop. ← Maybe it’s too much but well, it’s just an example of pairing spells.

heres some ideas for the dwarves.

dwarves are tough,stout hardy and possibly drunken masters of the forge generally not ones to use magic they often have someform of resistance and ways to fight it . so heres a couple trait suggestions.

Hardy this troop takes 25% less damage from spells.

master crafted armor as long as this troop ha a positive armor valuehe takes 10% less damage from skulls, in addition any effecttchat destroys his armor only destroys half of it.

Miner gold farming troops are honestly useless the gold part could stay or go… Miner are some strong dudes the lord already hits the first enemy an this straight forward approach feels very dwarfy.

so let’s make him destroy a row and damage the first enemy… maybe some armor gain? greedy pretty much sucks can he get sumthin else there?

Bombadier suprsize that boom! explode a gen and all gems around it, bump the damage a few points and make that burn 100%.

Lord 8 armor for killing feels low… id say get rid of the kill requirement or make the gain much higher… although the first is more appealing and hes a dwarf not an undead or sumthin why he gotta kill to do his thing? also tack on the destroy a gem te miner had…

Runesmith I’m on ps4 so I haven’t used him. his magic seems kinda low, also make him destroy a row to fit in with the board controlly theme here…

on a side note reinforced and its health counterpart regeneration are quite weak, maybe they gain 4 pts of armor since 4 is worth 1 magic… same goes for the heart soul and whatever abilities if troop with magic gets1 then atk should be 2 an health 4.

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teammate kinda abilities… Love it.

I really like the idea of paired abilities of an “if this then that” nature. Probably don’t want them tied to a specific troop but a specific ability/effect is cool. Just imagining something like “Insult to Injury” where when a troop takes skull damage it is then also burned.

I love the direction of this topic, but I am wondering if we could try to keep the ideas specifically tied to abilities that already exist so that no creation of powers would be needed.

That being said I LOVE the dwarven spell resistance.

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it just feels “dwarfy”

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Look at all the troop types and cross match them with kingdoms and any troop type that has 4 or more troops in that kingdom, check its synergy. I already did those tied to hero class.

I’ll keep the train rolling:

Blighted Lands would be cooler if it worked around the disease mechanic more, as the name lends itself to. Right now it’s all over the place between Burn, Disease, Deathmark, and Poison such that it makes synergy hard to come by. Basically only 2 troops at a time end up having any synergy bc it’s got so many different effects so streamlining would make it much more viable.

Venbarak’s % on its spell could be improved to make him something of a linchpin. Quasit, Hellhound, & Infernal could inflict disease with skull damage. Twisted Hero and Herald could do double damage against diseased. Hellhound could burn and disease. Succubus could disease. And Herald, Ven, or Hellhound’s spell could do double damage against diseased so spell damage is a viable option against all the Stone/Granite skin.

Additionally it would be much better if Twisted Hero, Venbarak, and/or Hellhound were Daemons so you could get better troop bonuses (and some first traits reworked to accompany). Also wouldn’t hurt if mana colors were changed slightly so there’s less concentration of Purple. If anything, it should lean Red to synergize with Infernal.

Some/All of that and you’d have an interesting team built around slowing down the enemy’s mana creation while also punishing them for not cleansing it quickly. Wouldn’t be the strongest imaginable but would be a neat option that I’m sure some people would enjoy. And would certainly be a big improvement on its current state since I only ever see Infernal in use (thanks to the strong synergy with Sheggra).


Personally I don’t think strength of the team is as important as good synergy and viability. A team like this would be a lot of fun to play, have great synergy, and a great theme!

More jinx would go well with it also!

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Top post.

Would LOVE more teams like this.

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While the polls are closed I thought I might take a shot at Necroing this thread and taking it in a different direction:

Troops that we as a community could design to help build better synergy among existing troops

It seems like folks have some very cool ideas for troops and I’d love to hear them!

This is a great idea! Ima look at some elves!

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We need more synergy for troops like wildfolk, beasts, and a few other troops.