One time items are available to craft again in soulforge (maybe a bug)

I wont do that yet…but i did add something to the actual post

Yeah! Switch it! Switch it! It’s gow goodwill. :stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s call this a legitimate in-game purchase, since we still had a soul cost to forge these items!

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Hows that?


“Working as intended”… :grin:


Lol, banning players for this… The moment they ban me from the game for crafting some items in the forge, that were offered to everyone in the game, I am done with the game and with every other product of this company.

I have suffered under serious, sometimes game-breaking, sometimes very annoying bugs (Lycanthropy freezing the game, even during guild wars, doubled skull damage making E12 with standard Zuul teams a real pain, just to mention two of them). Those bugs were active for many weeks and when they were finally corrected, we were “compensated” with 50-100 gems. Obviously, the compensation never met the damage, but hey, in devs world, it was ok. Now we have one of the very rare occasions, when a bug (and I am sure, that this is a bug, at least it is not intentional or it would have been announced) is helping instead of hindering players. Well, so be it…

If they want, they can reset the resources players have gained from the Soulforge. I doubt, that this is possible, as I have heard of many others, that they have put all the books from this “special event” directly into kingdom upgrades and I believe, resetting not only resources, but also kingdom levels is at least very complicated, if not impossible. But if they CAN do it and then DECIDE to do it, I would be fine with this as a solution.

But given the past experience with the desaster of the Gnome-a-Palooza release, every player “exploiting” the situation can keep whatever resources they achieved. So I have also crafted all the one-time offers again and I admit this open without hesitation. If that is a reason to ban me after reaching a player level far above 1500 and buying several campaign passes, I will not try anything to unlock my account again, I will just shake my head and leave GoW behind :man_shrugging:


Gman actually made a thread talking about it.

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Endlich mal ein Feature das den Endgamern zugute kommt !
Bei vielen stapeln sich Seelen, Barren, Orbs und Steine bis unters Dach und keiner weiß was man damit noch machen kann.
Es hat natürlich für helle Aufregung in der Spieler Gemeinschaft gesorgt da man keinerlei Ankündigung
veröffentlicht hatte daher vermuteten viele einen “Bug”, aber auf diese Weise stellte man auch sicher das
die wirklich Aktiven Spieler davon profitieren konnten.
Jedenfalls war es ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung.
Weiter so und Danke an die Def´s !