Ogres & Oubliettes

Originally published at: Ogres & Oubliettes – Gems of War

New Ultra-Rare Troop: Ghost Ogre The Ghost Ogre will be available again this week for 300 Glory in the shop. World Event: Through Fire and Flame There are 6 battles that players can encounter during the event: Ghost Ogre, Lava Troll, Doomed Gargoyle, DRACOS-1337, Uvhash-Ka, and Arachnaean Weaver. This event has 3 Phases: Phase 1…

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@Bramble @Kafka , there are missing information on the WE post.


World Event: XXX

There are 6 battles that players can encounter during the event: XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, and XXX. The battles are randomly chosen, but they all have an equal chance of appearing on the map. Scoring You can find the following rewards for each of the different battles you may encounter.

  • XXX: Z YYY
  • XXX: Z YYY
  • XXX: Z YYY
  • XXX: Z YYY
  • XXX: Z YYY



aha, ultra-rare ghost ogre and picture of belladonnus epic - you guys seems to give up on even trying.


Seems like a Forums Pass is being rolled out. World event scoring will now be locked behind a pay wall.


Can you guys honestly not even devote a little effort to ANYTHING that’s not $ related?


It’s an algebra problem! Each YYY is worth X points so therefore Z is worth ____?


Mistake after mistake after bug after bug, this is getting tiring and annoying.

Most useless bunch of people, sack the lot of them or work out who is letting the team down and get rid of them as they are destroying your company.

Seriously a monkey could do this job.


This annoucement is in such a state I didn’t even notice the image is of Belladonnus after clicking “Show Full Post”.


3 hours since you posted it. And no one’s ever glanced at the forums to go “oh heck” and fix it. How are people supposed to play the event when the scoring isn’t advertised? Do you even care anymore? Are you TRYING to kill the game?


The Ghost Ogre will be available again this week for 300 Glory in the shop.

World Event: Through Fire and Flame
There are 6 battles that players can encounter during the event: Ghost Ogre, Lava Troll, Doomed Gargoyle, DRACOS-1337, Uvhash-Ka, and Arachnaean Weaver. This event has 3 Phases:

Phase 1 – The first 3 battles are the only available battles to play, and have an equal chance of appearing. Players will need to win 15 battles here to progress to the next phase.
Phase 2 – The first 5 battles are the only available battles to play, and have an equal chance of appearing. Players will need to win 15 battles here to progress to the next phase.
Phase 3 – All 6 battles are now available.

You can find the following rewards for each of the different battles you may encounter.
Ghost Ogre: 8 Axes
Lava Troll: 12 Axes
Doomed Gargoyle: 16 Axes
DRACOS-1337: 4 Swords
Uvhash-Ka: 8 Axes and 4 Swords
Arachnaean Weaver: 8 Swords
Each Axe is worth 1 point, and each Sword is worth 5 points. As the battles get harder, they will increase the amount of Axes, and Swords they give by 25%.


Again? When was it released before?


Foreshadowing for the upcoming part where glory is only used for old troops and new Immortal Glory (available for 5 Immortal glory for $4.99 in the shop) will be used to give you an immortal glory key. 100 immortal glory can purchase an Immortal Glory Key which will have a 10% chance of dropping a copy of the current Immortal glory troop. Otherwise they will drop a treasure map as Sirian knows we have so much fun with them.
Once the week is over, immortal glory troops will no longer be available in chests but can be available on the new Immortal Glory pass. The pass will have only a paid path but also requires paid activation of each step as it is reached… The steps may contain a copy of a troop that MAY be a previous Immortal Glory Troop. Other rewards will include minor trait stones, orbs of ingots and minor green orbs. Note that the rewards for a given step are hidden until unlocked to enhance the fun of discovery.


Battle Base Score
Arachnaean Weaver 40
Uvhash-Ka 28
DRACOS-1337 20
Doomed Gargoyle 16
Lava Troll 12
Ghost Ogre 8

Why in the world would you have medals that give bonus skull damage, BUT NO WAY TO GENERATE SKULLS!!! :man_facepalming:


This happened once before, way, way back in the early weeks of World Events. We complained and response (from Salty, as I recall) was “event performing per plan”. But there hadn’t been a repeat of skull medal ex- skull converters - until this week.


There are troops and weapons that help though. Rath-Amon generates skulls, Bone Daemon creates a Bonestorm, and there are the Doomed Crossbow and Club weapons.


And Writhing Staff. Some classes help too.

Please let just chatGPT make the posts … I think your people have given up on the game