Ogres & Oubliettes

Rath amon has been the MVP for me so far, but I know not everyone has that mythic. Like others have mentioned, bone dragon and doomed weapons can work, but mana generation becomes an issue.

I think we only get 2 “season” events every new campaign, so we get strange restrictions like these sometimes…to go along with journey…:man_facepalming:


Hey, devs. You seem to have forgotten to make a medal with magic damage or add troops with skulls. What’s happening? Again, an event where we are specifically forced to play without bonuses. Rath-Amon is a rare mythic for most players 1-1200 lvl. Another event to annoy the players? :rage:
World Event without bonus for troops, Journey without Pathfinder, Tower of Doom without weapon.

Do you have a master plan on how to force as many players out of the game as possible? It doesn’t look like randomness.


Lodestar is available in the Soulforge this week. A couple members of our guild are having good luck with this weapon paired with some gem converters and exploderss

I’ve also been reminded that Mang and Earth’s Fury can be very strong weapons in this event.


I wish there was a way to track art changes done in game.

Is one of those the shiny version? They often look a different colour, for some reason, so it seems possible the green version is the shiny one.