Nymph cast Entangle on Stealthy Nightweaver during pet battle


During a pet battle, despite being stealthy, a Nymph cast Entangle on my hero in 1st spot, despite them having the Stealthy talent selected. I clicked on my hero to make sure that they had Stealthy selected, which they did. Level 55 Nightweaver.
I don’t know if there is a bug in the AI targeting for the spell that bypasses Stealthy, or if stealthy is somehow not working in this instance. I’m almost certain there were no curse/stun effects. The other troops on my team do not have stealthy.
Playing at 4X speed.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Have had this happen once that I remember.

Steps to make it happen again
During a pet rescue that defends with Nymph (Pan’s Vale team), put a Nightweaver of at least level 40, that has the stealthy talent in the front position. Let the nymph fill up their mana and cast repeatedly.
Team I used:

Just to check, what was the team you were using? If all members of the team have stealthy, the game treats it as if none have, until one or more get stunned.
The mods will probably ask for video, so if you don’t have any, giving others as much info as possible will allow someone to reproduce the bug and video it, hopefully.


IIRC, the Pan’s Vale Pet Rescue teams (King Silenus based) do not have access to Stun (much less Curse+Stun), but if it legitimately happened in a Pet Rescue then it’s probably reproducible in Explore runs, which are much easier to test for.

I can confirm that this happens in explore (1) as well.

Teamcode: [1075,6087,6751,6638,3078,3,1,3,3,2,0,0,14037]

On a sidenote I observed over many many pet rescues, Nymph always casts on the first slot in those battles and therefore also on the stealthy hero.
Haven’t tried using her against stealthy troops yet, but as a player you’re able to select a troop just like the spell description indicates.


I think there’s still a warrant out for Nymph’s arrest – been on the run a bit over 3 years now:


4 years to be exactly - The same period I been playing this game.