[Not a bug] Valhawks not spawning in PVP

Platform, device version and operating system:

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Valhawks are not appearing in PVP battles.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Always - I’ve done approx 40-50 battles and not received one Valhawk. My encounters are at 0/3 and my Monolith Sigils are at 2 so its not being blocked by either of those items

Steps to make it happen again
Repeatedly play PVP battles and see


Hello :slight_smile:

Please provide your Invite Code for further investigation by the development team.

Please also provide a screencapture of your Valhawk count!

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Isn’t the appearance rate SUPPOSED to be 30%? It never seems to be that high. More like 3%, for me. And I can go dozens, maybe hundreds of matches with no valhawks showing up, sometimes. Definitely feels like a bug, on playstation, as well.


Same on iOS/Steam. There is absolutely no way the drop rate is anywhere near 30%.

@SE7ENDEVILS I checked your battle logs specifically for the day you wrote here (Thursday 5th sep AEST).

I’ll DM you the details in case you prefer the numbers to be private.

It looks like your luck was very slightly worse than on some of the previous days last week, but still WELL within normal, expected range (and not 40-50 battles).

For the others who posted, the appearance rate is 20%

You can encounter Valhawks until you’ve defeated 3 for the day, then they stop appearing.

If you have 10 or more Monolith Sigils, Valhawks stop appearing until you have less than 10.

Also I need to fact check this last point during office hours tomorrow (7:30pm here atm), but I’m pretty sure Valhawks only appear in PvP Quick Battles, NOT in Monolith or Citadel Wars battles.


I’ve never seen them show up in Monolith or Citadel Wars battles. If they can really appear there, I’m either very unlucky or very bad at remembering them. :woozy_face:


It’s honestly taken me a minute to get used to the idea that Monolith and Citadel War battles aren’t “PVP battles”, because they’re a part of the overall PvP system/map and you’re generally fighting the same opponents in Citadel Wars as you are in Quick Battle for example.

So I totally understand counting them towards your PVP battles for the day in your head - I mentally count them as such in mine when I’m playing. Basically if I open the PVP map I’m playing PVP at that point, I’m no longer in the regular world of Krystara - I’ve completely separated the location mentally in my brain :joy:


Thank you for the specific number. I’m certain it was originally announced to be 30%, so seems like it got changed at some point. It definitely feels like the actual chance is lower than 20%, but that’s how RNG works.

Pretty sure this is correct. I’ve never seen a valhawk appear anywhere but PvP quick battles.

The game counts citadel battles as PvP, in terms of earning silver marks, but doesn’t count the guardian battles as PvP, in the same way. Which makes sense, since the guardian enemy team clearly isn’t another player. And monolith battles aren’t against another player either, and don’t count towards silver marks, so that makes sense.
It also explains why GAP works on citadel battles (as they’re PvP, in-game) but not guardian battles (they’re not).


The patch notes say 20%.


That definitely clears up a little bit of the issue. But can you guys look into whether the spawn rate is affected in Blood Frenzy regions? I think that may be a problem.

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I havent had that problem… I think.

Are you trying to set a record on how many threads to spam? :thinking:


No im want what i earned, we all do. Alot of us are tired of the bait and switch, nerf crap too. For crying out loud we are VIP 10+ and still have to deal with loss of goods and no solutions after all this time? Seriously exspect us to NOT be fustrated. Thats an unrealistic expectation. When we contact support they close the thing without ever reading it, most of the time. We are fustrated, at least the ones ive spoken with.

Wait?! Does OP get 30% appearance rate and the rest who posted 20%??

Just a little joke…

I had this issue yesterday. Logged out/in to the game and that seemed to help? Prolly just timing. I do have better luck getting them by switching regions.

Also even tho gnomes seem to abhor showing up after retreats Valravens don’t care - I’ve retreated a bunch on a few days this Season where I just wanted to get the 3 pops.


Hello :slight_smile:

I double checked with the development team to confirm:

  • Bloodfrenzy has no effect on Valhawk spawn rates

  • Valhawks do not appear in Monolith Battles (Technically not PVP)

  • Valhawks are excluded from Citadel Battles

  • Otherwise, Valhawks spawn rate is the same in PvP and has a chance to appear in all PvP modes.


Sorry to resurrect an old-ish thread, but has anyone else noticed that the spawn rate for valhawks appears to be much lower on the first day after the weekly reset? Today is the second week in a row that I have done 20 or so quick battles on Monday to try to get valhawks, completing most of the PVP goals for the week in the process, and only gotten one valhawk for my trouble. On the other days of the week, I can typically get 2-3 valhawks easily just by doing the 5-10 battles needed to get gold marks.

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For me finding the first one is really tedious nearly every day. You can do 30+ battles without finding one but after finding that first one you often get all three in a row.

Switching regions after every fight seems to help sometimes but the last few weeks feel like they lowered the spawnrate of the first daily valhawk to force people to torture themselves longer in PVP because the activity is plummeting further every week.


Valhawks can spawn even if the previous battle was a retreat. There is no penalty (currently) in PvP for losses/retreats. I have done quick retreats a few times close to reset just to make sure I got my daily Monolith Sigils. Just a workaround for ya!

Edit: sorry I should’ve scrolled up I said almost the same thing a month ago :joy:

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