[Not a bug - QoL changes planned] I heard you liked Wargares (PvP Region issue/bug)

Xbox Series X, just after new reset

So, do I play the Bay of Stars Wargares, Ancient Khet Wargares, or Summer Isle Wargares?


I saw your Wargare stack and I offer you my Yellow subcolors

Which yellow you do like more?


You forgot to add your invite code. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


i just posted about double yellow too

Because the restrictions are chosen randomly this can happen.

There’s a feature coming in 7.5 which will help with this indirectly.

We’ll also look at adding some extra rules to the restrictions to make it less likely for this to happen (if it happens at all), we’ll share any details in future patch notes if we make a change to the RNG for the restrictions (this won’t be part of 7.5).


so its just coincidence that its happened on two platforms at the same time, with different restrictions?

Yes, it’s also more likely to happen with the regions with colour restrictions as there’s fewer options.


Areas weren’t repeating within itself until whatever change happened recently.

Sure before, restrictions were repeating week to week, but at least each area was different.

Now we have multiple areas blocked off by the same restriction… it just means less different areas to play, which is harmful to the play experience.

It’s already bad enough people have to deal with fighting the same teams in the same areas, now there’s even less areas to fight in…


The restrictions weren’t randomly assigned until I think sometime early this year. I can’t remember the exact date the pre-selected restrictions ended and the randomly selected ones began, I posted about it on the forum when the changes happened.

Because it’s random it can be streaky sometimes and not others. Sometimes pure random actually seems less random than random with rules on it. Either way, there’s going to be changes to the game around restrictions very soon.


on a unrelated pvp note. when does season 1 of PvP start?


Ancient Khet is Wargare this week on Xbox despite Wargare not being a possible restriction listed in Ancient Khet’s info. At least it means Top Draug actually gets to apply its bonus now.


Ok, so these QoL must’ve slip through the live game already.
Example: Summer Island on Pc Mobile this week.

same weird thing for bay of stars

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So Xbox is really gonna have 3 Wargare regions this week? Like I get it was random but flip a switch maybe and reset it?

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This PVP system is quite new, so there’s no history to draw on to say whether they will change the settings mid-week or not.

However, I will say that we are all expecting a patch (7.5 - they started testing in April) before the end of May, so it is possible that will release this week and it may change the PVP restrictions.

We’ll just have to wait and see. Xbox has it pretty bad, but the double Yellow is fine if you’re aiming for VP and know what to do :wink:

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Yeah that’d be great if Xbox weren’t Brown Green Purple on top of it :man_facepalming:

I think all the color regions should just say Stellarix. Cause that’s all your going to see.

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You need to be more specific. All they are going to ask from screenshots like this is your invite code.

So in other words @Kafka , PC Mobile is having a Pridelands restriction on a region where it isn’t even listed in the possible restriction list.

Somebody broke something, and this is why we are having odd things happening in the PvP two weeks in a row.

Everything was working perfectly, two weeks ago. For 22 weeks in a row the restrictions were absolutely same between platforms and region restrictions were the listed ones.

What a mess.

But hey if all this leads to a better game, like PvP pets actually being useful etc. then it’s all good. It would be just cool that you guys sometimes actually admit something is messed up but there is a reason for it but no. This is just random things happening. Yeah, random things happening where they SHOULDN’T be happening. Smh.


A dev was looking at a fix for this earlier today, I’ll follow up with him in the morning about the status of the fix for future PVP weeks and about the PVP restrictions for this week as well.

Usually, in this sort of case the restrictions on the regions that are bugged would be fixed asap as well if it’s a simple server fix to change them. I’ll find out.

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