Nintendo Switch update: 7.3 Battlegrounds

Hi all,

Nintendo Switch will be getting the 7.3 Battlegrounds update tomorrow Wednesday 16th AEDT.

You can read about the changes here:

As part of this, you may notice that some of the timings and scheduled events displayed in the Games menu and Guild menu might change a little in the next 24-48 hours. This is a planned rescheduling.

See you in PVP!


I wonder if that has anything to do with the botched Sword’s Edge week we had over Christmas…

Apparently this also includes the tweaks to looping Pathfinder troops.

In the meantime, I’m glad to have finished the set of six Gem Dragons by now. Crafting Diamantina will take some more time, but then I can save Dragonite for the new Cosmic Dragons (my favorite design goes to the Whitehelm one).

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we cannot get the 3 new dragon weapons(we can forge but they go missing afterwards)
also the game restarts when we try to upgrade the new dragons
plz fix this, thanks

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When levelling them up the cosmic dragons, game crashes. Can’t find the weapons. Luckily still able to craft Stellarix.

When the game is falling apart and seemingly screwing me over at every turn, at least there’s the Switch to consider, at least I don’t play this thing on Switch, that’s something that gets me by. My heart goes out to anyone who does, they have my admiration, respect and sympathies.


The issue with upgrading the Cosmic Dragons as well as the new Troops and Weapons are now appearing in the Collection.