New tool analyzes your collection and tells you which kingdom power tasks you can do right now (based on gowdb)

Added a more detailed class reference listing each class’ mana bonuses, storm capabilities and other features:


Thank you for making a great application even better. I like how the Delve section shows the faction renown. Is there a way to include the champion level in that section?

I noticed Blighted Lands faction isn’t shown, but I guess that relies on the gowdb database.

I’ve recommended your app to my guild. It is such a big help. Thanks again.

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Glad to hear that! As you suspected, the app can only show what GowDB shows and unfortunately, there is quite a list of things missing right now, including several pets and the entire Fell Roost faction (extept the troops). As a matter of fact, I already “fake” a few max power level values due to missing pets (the rest are calculated).

I also don’t have data on several things like champ levels (unless you happen to be on a task that requires a certain champ level, then I can calculate the current level, but I don’t think I should include incomplete columns), kingdom levels (not power) or the current number of souls/deeds/chaos shards/forge scrolls. I would love to add all of that if I could and I have reached out to @Lyya to see if enhancements are possible but unfortunately, she has not been responding to my messages so far.


Added a column for kingdom levels (non-power levels). Since the values are not available, they can be entered manually. I still found this useful, maybe some of you will as well.


Added more details to the “Level X troops to Y” task tooltips.


I have an account on gowdb…just installed the extension in firefox, doesn’t look like there’s any icon for the extension? I checked firefox extensions disabled it, reenabled it but no icon appears for this. There was a firefox update before I installed the extension. (Yes I maximized the window as well). FF version 79.0

Are you looking for the icon on your toolbar or on the gowdb page? A new “Analyze Tasks” button should show up when you go to your “My Collection” page, at the top left of the page.


Found it thanks, for some reason I was looking on my toolbar of my browser.

The “Analyze Tasks” went missing.
It was there just a couple of days ago. Didn’t update anything in the meantime.
Is there any issue or it’s only my noobity kickin’ in?

make one for android please ^^

Sorry I missed your question, haven’t checked the forums in a while. This was likely an issue with the added power levels and you reaching power 20 in a kingdom. It’s fixed now.

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The problem with Firefox on Android is that they basically stopped supporting extensions recently. The only solution is to downgrade to an older version. There is nothing I can doon my end, although a different implementation is on the horizon. Too early to discuss it though.


Thanks a lot, now it works again.
Yep I reached power 20 in Mist of Scales.

Thanks a lot again, this tool is mindsaving

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I’ve just noticed that Firefox add-on is not longer maintained and in its place there is a new Progress Tracker “Gemologica” by the same author

There is no need, anymore for Taran’s Basic Hero Info with its annoying captcha with every refresh. @ElDuderino, you are a genius! Thank you! :slight_smile:

The new thread about Gemologica: Gemologica: evolved progress tracking for GoW