New hero avatars?

I’d pay for a Brian Johnson flat cap! Or a dj ashba (sixx:am) hat, or Carl McCoy (fields of the nephilim) style pair of glasses etc. They have to be cheap and come with something decent like gems or a vip key. Oh, where’s the PS /xbox gow theme while I’m at it? That was a suggestion that the devs liked well over six months ago but we’ve not heard anything.

Somehow most races of female faces looks cute/pretty, while its not the same for males.
Does it bother me? Not at all. Its always or most of the time been like that for RPG.


That’s because traditionally character design is created from the POV of male gaze. Even today, game devs often don’t consider if girl gamers will find X character attractive. They make false assumptions about what girl gamers want to look at while playing. Flame Troll isn’t it. :rofl:

But anyway, I don’t mind sexy girl characters in games. But, I always appreciate sexiness equity. So, let’s hope for more Hot Dudes™ in the game’s future.


I play a necro class with the undead bonus.


Seriously though my undead hero is currently looking like a very clean female elf in the spider armour. The spider armour fit the theme for necro, but I would like the option to make her more dead looking. OR a ZOMBIE avatar with partial decay would be a nice option (anyone who want a corpse as eye candy is probably disturbed in other ways).

As a bizarre note I don’t think the succubus is massively sexualized for the mythology behind it. Less clothes are needed on that model.

Ahh for the hero song I thought he was just singing about himself being the hero and the hero is just keeping the daft self absorbed twit alive.

Uh, yeah, if I would be a guy, it wouldn’t bother me, either. :stuck_out_tongue:

This! I don’t mind sexy girls, either, unless it’s ridiculously overdone (sexy =/= naked), after all. :slight_smile:

Anyway, back to the original topic of the thread (hero avatars):
I would like to add to my suggestion of kingdom-based armor that said armor could have extra perks like doubling tribute chance and income for that kingdom. That way, the devs would have a reason to put them in the armor shop during the event weeks, meaning people would buy them with gems.

I feel like avatars are likely not something much attention is paid to because it simply isn’t generating much income for the devs. Hair and other cosmetics are basically free, armor is purchased once. Unlike a new mythic troop, which people spend a LOT of keys on to get from chests and chests costs, when you are out of keys, diamonds, an avatar just doesn’t get the devs the amount of money a new troop does. The work-to-reward ratio is just bad for cosmetic things. So I feel like extra perks like double tribute to specific armors which can’t be purchased all at once and therefore generate a steady supply of gem cost for the players during events, therefore maybe equalling more RL money purchases, might make it more appealing for the devs to work on.

Not that I want more gem sinks - but if we want more avatar stuff, we have to give the devs a reason to work on them. Right now, there’s very little. The armors available cover everything pretty well, bonus-wise and those who buy the Deathknight armor don’t even need to look at anything else. So more incentives should be given beyond the current bonuses. Or maybe of a specific avatar race would give every troop in your team a small boost if it’s of that race in addition to what you already get from the troop bonuses (since you need to work with class perks for the hero if you want to use the hero and pick the third perk, which is annoying and a waste in most cases).

So yeah, I feel there are incentives possible to make people more interested in puchasing armors and avatars as a whole if done right.

I doubt it bother all the female players. So gender does not always matter. Also I agree with your point that it would not hurt to have a young Sean Connery face with a sexy body on a troop. But it does not bother me that it is so few of them. ‘Bothering’ is in my opinion a strong word.

I can’t say it bothers all the female players, but a significant number of us notice and are upset about it, I promise you. When 90% of the female characters are hypersexualized and only a few male characters are, it makes a statement to female players that male players are the intended audience, and we’re just incidental tag-alongs. Trust me, plenty of games (and movies, and books, and so on) send us that message. It gets old, fast. It’s easy for you to say it wouldn’t bother you, because you’re not in the same position. So when people it actually affects tell you that it affects them, the best thing to do is politely open your ears and listen to what they are saying instead of dismissing it based on what you think you would feel in that position.


Well, it bothers me and others. Also, in addition to what @Rellystra already said about it being easy for you to say it won’t bother you because you’re not in our position, I also find it quite bothersome (yes, using that word again on purpose) that you repeatedly seem to think that all we women want is “a young Sean Connery face with a sexy body”.

You said that before, you kept going on about how great the body of the Flame Troll is. Do you really think this is what all women of all ages are into? That every woman here, ages 13-85, only likes Chippendale strippers? I repeat again: Sexy does NOT mean naked. I’d take a well-dressed mage with glasses in his 40s over a Flame Troll with a prettier face every day. And, all jokes I made above because I wanted to keep this lighthearted aside, I don’t believe undressing all guys will solve anything. Then we’d just end up with some game bordering on the ridiculousness.

We girls didn’t list Ysabelle and Tesla as avatar inspirations for nothing. We want avatars with MORE clothes, not less. We have all the skimpy outfits already. So why do you assume that someone who wants more clothes on their avatar would be happier with even more nudity in the game in general? I like the lore of this game so much! It has so many wonderful, vibrant characters and making this a stripper game does not do any of that justice. The fact that this is a puzzle game which should be for all ages as there’s no blood, dead bodies or anything like that on the screen should also maybe indicate that just undressing all guys is not the right way to progress.

But that’s my opinion. I would rather have more dressed females than more undressed males, to be honest. Maybe I’m just too old or too boring or whatever, though. I just think that equality can be gotten both ways, not just by making everyone naked but also by adding more dressed characters.


so i guess im the only one waiting for gems of war nude edition? :sunglasses:

I would be a dwarf long time ago, if the price of the pack wouldn’t be so high.

So because of economical reasons I roleplay as a transrace dwarf in human body dressed as an elf.


Not at all. Its of course subjective what someone finds sexy or attractive. Everyone knows that, or most.

Sorry, but I have absolutely zero problems to understand this, so I am not sure why the obvious get told to me?

i dont really agree that male players are intended audience,
as a female player i actually like to play with sexy female characters and what i look forward in male characters is not the sexyness but the graphical display of strength, if anything, as far as i can tell the game graphics are rather doing well in that matter
(and my orientation is straight, for the clarification, rofl)

what i could say i want to see more, as a female player is beauty. some characters (especially their faces) are just ugly, there are many who could or suppose to be beautiful by their caracter concept but the graphic turns them into ugly. too much of the ugliness in the game for my taste.
if i was gonna point one thing that should be done to target female players would be add more beauty to the graphics overall, not adding more sexualisation to the males