New Guild Wars - Sneak Peek 2

Still don’t know if we can see our defense team’s win/ loss, no information on it here neither in the first sneak peak

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Even the results for members in gw is important for leaders in order to kick who score bad

Dog forbid we have one occasional weekend to play the parts of the game that we never have time for. Guild Wars should go back to running in place of one of the weekly events. You already have an event that is pretty much universally despised, Journey.

Replacing Journey with GW would eliminate the need to fix Journey, which you apparently can’t figure out how to do. It would also allow some guilds to use GW weeks as a rest week, if they don’t like GW.

This game needs to quit piling on more and more time consuming / complicated and usually broken content. At the very least, start trimming all the fat and remove some content when you add something.

That said… if it’s not broken right out of the gate (haha) the new GW looks like it will at least be more interesting than the old.


Can’t wait to see what it’s like! So looks like the update won’t drop in Jan as promised.


Looks interesting! We must have somewhere to test our guild defence teams properly. This used to be my favourite part of the game, so I’m really excited to get my teeth and talons back into it.


Looks like you have ruined the only competitive game mode between guilds the old set up was perfect. No brackets how is it going to be competitive when you have competitive guilds going against 5 people guilds who just sign up for it and play simple guardian battles makes no sense

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Creating teams with troop restrictions doesn’t seem exciting at all. Rogue or giants - how could we possible create a fast and effective defence/attack team? Nobody uses them willingly, and for a reason.
I won’t repeat what others have said in this thread, but I agree with their concerns.
As I wad afraid, GW will turn out into another pvp. Have to wait and see, but right now, as a B1 veteran, I feel disappointed.


Old GW was incredibly simplistic (aside from the somewhat obtuse scoring) and lackluster in terms of rewards outside the very top brackets. New GW seems as though it will be more nuanced (whether this is good or bad is yet to be seen). Unless I’ve missed something, there’s been no statement about brackets or guild matching - I think it’s a bit early to say guilds with 5 people will be facing active, competitive guilds. Only time will tell I suppose.

I’ve never felt strongly about GW either way. I’m hoping for a system that’s a bit more engaging (I love the new visuals, making it feel like actual battles in an actual location - and the guardian system has potential to be interesting) and rewarding.


That will be an issue, terrible team setups, as not all kingdoms or troop kinds or types are made equally. I do foresee band aids to those teams, but won’t speculate too much. Maybe some kind of earned boon.

One of the great things about the old guild wars, apart from testing, was the ability to innovate, create and strategise. Sure, opponents were often books, but as we know, at the end of the old wars, books were largely replaced. We used to be able to create counters based on colour options. It was not perfect, and as we know brown was more challenging for the most part, because of a lack of options vs invulnerable and curse (with less converting options).

I sorely hope we aren’t restricted to junk like Orcs or so on, vs opponents who may be Elementals…


You say “as before” Guild Wars was not compulsory, and that you could opt out if you wanted to. Ha. Tell that to all the former Guild Masters I had! They all EXPECTED us to participate. I’m so much happier being out of a guild, but I hope the new plans please everyone and I hope they have fun playing it.

Those were just not the right guild. There’s many that have GW optional and still complete events. :heart: Remember the most important thing is to have fun!


This! Plenty of guilds out there that don’t require GW. Having a guild family that fits your playstyle is a wonderful thing :smile:


I think Immortals will be the defense meta with troop restrictions in the firsts 4 battles and books will last only for the 5th battle in the keep with color restrictions

A very big reduction of difficult and skills needed in my opinion

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