New Guild Wars - Sneak Peek 2

Originally published at: New Guild Wars – Sneak Peek 2 – Gems of War

Hello Adventurers, We have a little more info for you on our upcoming Guild Wars feature. Work is continuing here, and we’re on track to have it in our next update. Today we’re going to briefly look at 3 things – when Guild Wars will happen, choosing your keep, and setting defense teams… Remember –…


Is it too late to not bring it back? Its been so nice not having guild wars.


I’m neutral on GW, myself – I really only participated for the exclusive reward Troops. That, however, is probably why they added that specific opt-in/opt-out checkbox for your Guild.

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Restrictions for attack and defence looks wierd - wargare def vs stella - whaaaa? or merfolk… or rogue… meh.

And what about a text spoilers?
Earn triple Gold, Souls and VP from Guild Wars Battles.

Will this affect only on a overall PVP season VP progress without touching a GW scoring?

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Oh hey. Nice new “Leave Guild” trap button…

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I hope not. Not because I have anything against guild wars. There’s just so many bugs in the game. I hope the next patch will be a long list of bugfixes / QoL and nothing else.


Sounds, complicated…

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So i guess that makes the update tuesday. Yay better scrub the rust of me’ chain mail!! (Not a euphemism)

Bring back Arena, that’s the chill weekend.


Since Arena Weekends are basically dead content, this essentially means even more time needs to be spent in order to not miss out. Gems of War has already lost a huge number of established players over the past months due to burnout and is getting close to the point where the whole guild system is about to collapse. Are there any plans to reduce the overall effort required to play though the content each week? Like making Journey reasonably playable again and cutting battles needed for guild events and PvP at least in half?

Going by the previews, Guild Wars will require a very high amount of coordination. How are players supposed to achieve that? The in-game guild chat isn’t remotely up to this task, it is very flaky and only offers a very small message history. Will you be integrating any new communication tools, or recommending external tools to use to reasonably participate in GW?


as always, use 3rd parties because nobody gives a single smallest heck

Speaking as a endgame player i can keep up with most content with about 1hr-1.5 hr a day and that completing underspire , world event, 1 delve, dungeon, and the bare min PvP to keep them gold marks rolling in, could probably get it down to 45 mins and still be building my account in fact I probably spend more time in this forum. Anyway what you are saying is only speculation on why players have left and there is many more reasons to have done so . All ill say is Im glad theyve finally brought the axe down on arena has its been dead content for years and brought back the best part of what used to be a challenging game. Kudos devs …

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It’s a fairly educated speculation. I’m doing a lot of guild management and recruiting, it’s unfortunately almost on a second job level. I’ve seen loads of veteran players quit over the last year, explicitly because this game doesn’t offer any middle ground. If you don’t commit a lot of time to it, on a daily base, you lose out on all the gated stuff, to an extent that it isn’t worth picking up the game again.

Of course, there are other reasons, like poor communication and an ever growing number of bugs that remain unaddressed. That would probably derail this topic though.


Zero data to back this up.

I like the idea of GW being an independent, flexible event but still hate the idea of daily battles. I’m never been the biggest fan of the event, but appreciated that you could play the daily battles at any time during the week. Because of that, I stayed in my guild family’s competitive guild and even put in some real effort into my battles. Usually on Sunday.

Now that there’s even more*daily battles and content than ever before, I’m dreading the idea more of daily GW battles. If it’s a 1- or 2-day event, that’s not terrible. 10 days of daily battles? I will quit my guild (GW required) and that’s one of the last things that’s still tying me to this game. I will inevitably quit the game entirely.


I think guilds will reevaluate the GW requirement once we’ve all had a chance to actually play it. People may decide the rewards aren’t worth the effort. No way of knowing at this point.

I agree with @Fourdottwoone on the players leaving due to the grind required to hit all the dailies each day. Grinding when I want to for personal guild/goals is fun. Grinding cause it’s the only way to stay current in the game is not fun. I get that it is a perceived lack of choice. But as I pointed out awhile ago - it’s not FOMO - you actually miss out if you don’t keep up. And I agree there are other reasons, as well. But let’s not pretend that there hasn’t been a mass exodus of some of the most talented and committed players in the game.


More gems than previous GW? Otherwise 98% of possible rewards will be considered a nerf than what came before it.

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more advancement locked behind forcing people to pvp, just what this game needed because we CLEARLY didn’t have enough of that shoved down our throats yet

oh boy, maybe if we’re lucky they’ll let us PAY them for the privilege

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Prior GW rewards were basically none existent unless you were in the top few spots.


I’m afraid that the “new” Guild War rewards will be mostly locked behind money (much like the pvp pass). I think it will still be an improvement because in the old system, after you upgraded all of the guardian statues, you lost gems if you weren’t in the top 3 spots…in bracket 1.

I just want to see what the tide rolls in whenever the next update launches, but I’m not too optimistic. More battles! More pvp! More daily activities! I hope you don’t have a real job because this is the life for you!

Even when I optimize my time, it takes hours every day just to keep up, and at some point, you ask yourself, “Why am I even playing anymore?” I can’t even answer that question and don’t even know why I started playing this game in the first place…