New Faction rewards

For reference:

The crossed out part is incorrect, as MarioDeams said, the multiplier applies to room rewards, not chest rewards. That’s why it’s called the “Room Treasure Multiplier”. Only the Hoard Quality multipliers apply to the chest rewards.

Now, back to your chests. Your “crappy” level 10 chest looks crappy because you rolled chaos shards a bunch of times and ingots once or twice. You’re seeing:

Mythic Ingot x8
Chaos Shards x183

but what you actually got, if we break it down and not include the (presumed) hoard level 10 multipliers, is more like:

Mythic Ingot x2
Mythic Ingot x2
Chaos Shards x20
Chaos Shards x18
Chaos Shards x24
Chaos Shards x16
Chaos Shards x18
Chaos Shards x30
Chaos Shards x30
Chaos Shards x29

And your level 6 could be something like:

Legendary Ingot x3
Chaos Shards x24
Glory x54
Gold x2400
Gold x3000
Souls x540

Not real numbers obviously, but an example of what it might be. It looks like more if you break it down like that.

There are hoard quality multipliers for gold, souls, glory and ingots, but not chaos shards - so if you’re playing with quality 10, the chaos shards numbers will always be smaller than other resources, which are multiplied by hoard quality.

Different players will value different resources differently. Chaos shards look like not much to some, but if you’re behind on factions and are still trying to collect many of the troops from chaos portals, chaos shards ARE the jackpot, they’re not as easy to farm as glory, souls, gold and ingots.

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