New Campaign Begins: Ancient Sarcophagus

I don’t believe Duskbringer is at any extent a good weapon, and of course, I could be wrong. But if you want that novelty feeling of managing your collection it will cost you money anyway (with other purchase only weapons) so ask yourself: Why even bother?

I’m not censuring your displeasure over it, but personally I don’t feel like chasing this campaign woundrous rewards in the F2P path and I can safely ignore the temporary status bonus as well.

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People have been pleading for a Duskbringer weapon since forever on this very forum, surely expecting nothing less than being required to spend another 1M souls to forge it: shouldn’t we be showing a little more excitement?

Well, when DB came out, it was available IMMEDIATELY. Granted, the number of people who could forge it right off the bat was pretty small.
You did’nt have to pay any money to get it in a timely fashion.
And if you don’t want to pay, you’re going to have to likely wait a year till all the components are available.
I see nothing there to look forward to, at all.

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I just wonder how many power orbs may also be necessary to craft Duskbringer?

Guess we will all have to wait and see :laughing:

Zero if Saltys word is worth more than her name.

I don’t doubt what you are saying is true. I haven’t read all the posts, so, to me, having it take a year to craft all the resources because they are related to specific kingdoms makes less sense than the sentence “Some things only make sense in Grosh-Nak”.

If true, I suggest making a separate forum thread and get it changed to reflect the DB and Xathenos style of crafting. No sense in waiting until after the 10 week campaign like Heart of Rage. Fire prevention is easier than Fire Fighting. “Oh but the environment”. How much environment needs to burn before people catch on.

Did we want another weapon with some cool effects even if it costs a lot?

  • Yes.

Behing a paywall and a huge time sink?

  • No.

And for “free”(still need to invest resources just to be clear), but behind a double time sink/cost of opportunity?

  • Also no.

I honestly don’t see it working to make me excited, but on the other hand I just think others shouldn’t be too bothered with it for their own sakes.

Oh, and of course if by the end of the campaign the devs add an unexpected cost of Forge Scrolls and/or Book of Deeds just to craft it…


Was this confirmed in a Twitch stream? I don’t watch them, always preferred if any important news can be communicated here without having to sit through an hour of that every week :laughing:


If this is anything like Dawnbringer it is just the bits and pieces plus 1 million souls plus 34 WEEKS give or take.

Confirmed by @TheIdleOne who watched the stream yes. I forgot where he posted it. But maybe you can go thru his comments and see the clip that he made.

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I know some people keep mentioning it every now and then, but I’ve always been pretty ambivalent towards the idea myself.


They were smart to put the books of deeds far into the free pass rewards, as those are currently the only rewards I’m bothering to chase from Campaign.


Hey buddy since you keep track of this stuff :slight_smile:
Do you have the artifact bonuses for Campaigns 2 and 3 please?

Of course, brother! Sorry, didn’t see this until now.

Campaign 2 Artifact Skill Ups (Oct 5 - Dec 13, 2020)

Level 1 - +3 Attack
Level 2 - +5 Life
Level 3 - +2 Magic
Level 4 - +5 Life
Level 5 - +5 Shield
Level 6 - +3 Attack
Level 7 - +5 Shield
Level 8 - +3 Attack
Level 9 - +5 Shield
Level 10 - +2 Magic
TOTALS: +10 Life; +9 Attack; +15 Shield; +4 Magic

Campaign 3 Artifact Skill Ups (Dec 21 - Feb 28, 2021)

Level 1 - +2 Magic
Level 2 - +3 Attack
Level 3 - +5 Life
Level 4 - +5 Life
Level 5 - +5 Shield
Level 6 - +2 Magic
Level 7 - +3 Attack
Level 8 - +5 Life
Level 9 - +5 Shield
Level 10 - +3 Attack
TOTALS: +15 Life; +9 Attack; +10 Shield; +4 Magic