Neeker Breekers

Yeah… That shares 2/3 colors with this weeks Siegebreaker. Don’t think for a second that wasn’t intended.

She needed to be toned down because she combos hard with…


Wasn’t saying that Dev that likes Wild Plains was the one responsible for this week’s event. Just said the one that designed Ketras must like the cowpeople. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Maybe the devs just like to bully the tauros.


A classic red cape in “Looney Tunes style” would do the trick.

Gnoll time soon, I imagine. :upside_down_face:

A cursory scan at the rest of the thread suggests that gnoll one has posted this, so I took the liberty. Pardons x1000. :slightly_smiling_face:


Two. Freaking. Event keys! Woohoo!! :sunglasses:

I mean… it’s a batch of 2 from leveling and buying with Glory from Tribute. I might already spent 300+ of them by going glory-broke. Still cool!!

Here’s is my new PvP Defense team this week!


Congrats on getting one of the few good troops from the Lingdom the devs hate the most! :wink:

Aw… don’t hate on this kingdom! It’s still awesome in its own way.

And the Gnolls, I think they’re a very interesting and strong creatures in fictional universe. It’s sad that they’re not that great in this game.

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Tell that o the devs, but well, as sinergy and fun goes at least Ketras is a great troop.

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He even has wings and the Devs favorite trooptype tag!

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Subtle sponsoring. :smile:

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Let’s just make this into the Ketras appreciation thread !
He is great in the current delve event too btw, if you actually advance in it and not cheese it that is :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hate the game, not the player, or Wild Plains… or the Gnolls…

But honestly, i wasn’t sure if my points would still be accounted if i don’t face the boss to raise the difficulty of each try, but then i would be forced to finish the delve “properly” to get the tier rewards…

No time to hate anything, just enough time to love Ketras :stuck_out_tongue:


I have some interesting tidbit to share.

You know which troop is the best Tauros ever, beside Ketras? It’s Yao Guai.

He is based on the Bull Deamon King, one of the main antagonist in Journey to the West, an ancient Chinese literature. In the game he’s only an Elf/Deamon, but his damaging spell strategy: boost by life, suggested he indeed have some Tauros ancestors!

So lore-wise, Tauros is still ones of the very powerful troop type!


Everyone knows that the devs favourite Kingdom is Silverglade, purely because Elspeth is from there. And everyone’s favourite troop is Elspeth, she’s a great role model for young girls and elves.


Speaking of Elspeth, where can I get a copy of Corrupted Elspeth where she exploded the enemy troop into a random knight and created 11 gems of the troops color. (not serious)

or seriously, where can I get a copy of the Hotfixed Elspeth that always blew up the 4th troop into a knight + 11 gems of the troop color? That would make for many fun defense ideas that the AI can actually handle, instead of the current random Elspeth designed for players.

They also hate Suncrest the most of all the Kingdoms. The troops came out with the special storms with casts. Now everyone and their mother has a trait or skill tree that causes a storm.
I fear any week in Invasions or Raids that features Stryxx/Suncrest.


Cheesiest Class Event team ever! :laughing:

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