Need Skadi Help & Some General Gameplay Questions

Discord reqs?

Our guild requires max seals, 600k gold and 500t. Although most of us do a lot more (obvious since 50 legendary tasks cost the guild around 65 million). And yes,you need to be able to score at least 45k a week,and we are moving for everyone to do at least 50.

It’s tough now, but as you progress it will all come easier.

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Yeah, most guilds seem to have a discord channel, which I hate. When I play a game, I want to chat with people in the game and not outside of it.

600k gold is harsh but doable, I suppose (I actually donated a million this week for the first time), but 500 trophies is… rough. And most do a lot more? How many hours a day do you guys even spend in PVP? That’s nuts.

Also I do like 37k in GW or something. Depending on my wins. I guess you guys would just kick me really quickly. I really, really wish I could join a top guild - not gonna lie, there’s a lot of guild drama in my guild lately and I’m not a fan of that, I just want to play in peace and since seal requirements were lowered to 800, we aren’t even getting the 40k chest anymore, which annoys me to no end - but my guild has a 100-trophy requirement and no discord channel. Wish there would be more guilds like that. I have zero problems with gold requirements; I earn a lot in explore. But trophies are a pain.

What platform are you on?

I’m playing on PC/Steam.

How many 5 starred magic kingdoms do you have? Having them at level 10 gives 5 magic, 5 starring them gives additional 5 magic. 2 magic bonus from purple guild task. This should be enough to wipe the enemy with 2 casts.
Maybe you don’t have many 5 starred life and armor kingdoms, hence your CB is too squishy. I personally tried that team out and win 9 out of 10 battles.

Make sure to equip +2 blue +1 yellow banner. This should help refill Elspeth on your first turn.

EDIT: I’m able to do 700t+ daily. When I’m in the mood, which is not every day. Gorgotha/Infernus/Fire Bomb/Mercy.


I have all kingdoms at least at 5 stars. Detailed list:
8 Stars: Sword’s Edge
7 Stars: Zhul’Kari, Silverglade, Leonis, Dragon’s Claw
6 Stars: Ghulvania, Khaziel, Stormheim, Adana, Forest of Thorns, Karakoth, Blighted Lands, Darkstone, Blackhawk
5 Stars: The rest

They are all at level 10, naturally.
Crimson Bat does 30 true damage. That’s not enough for two casts on quite a few troops.

I did have a different banner, though, focusing more on CB. I will change it.

700t a day is nuts and super-impressive! Okay, I don’t have Infernus to help, but still… how many hours do you play a day?

To be precise, 700t is rare. It only occurs when I’m in my special PvP mood. 200-400t would be more accurate. And some days I don’t play at all.
1-5 hours a day maybe? It’s all thanks to my fast Infernus team. Back when I didn’t have Infernus, I used to farm 1-2 trophies with Deep Borer, Bombots, Black Manacles. Now, if I didn’t have Infernus, I would stick to CB Penguin team.

EDIT: Actually my CB Elspeth win rate is not 9:1. And it’s not always 2 casts. Yes, Elspeth does not get consistent loops. Now that I think about it, do you know what makes difference between me, an endgame player, and you? I have a very, very special secret tactic, called…


When I face Psion with my Gorgotha Infernus team, I insta retreat. When my key damage dealer is dead or got his magic reduced, I retreat. When my CB is dead, I retreat. I don’t spend my time on rage and instantly start another battle. Hence my high performance.


Alright, thanks for all the help! I really don’t know “PVP mood” as I just prefer the meditative explore on low difficulties. PVP is so stressful (though maybe not with Infernus? No idea. Maybe I’ll get him one day and can then say for sure). GW today already annoyed me enough because ugh, having to think too much is not fun.
Also five hours a day in PVP would kill me. I can do 1-2 hours a week to get Tier 1, but beyond that? Not even the Moa event could lure me back into PVP much, to be honest. I just don’t find it fun, not even on casual.

Also, dude, I retreat like… more than I win. Basically every Kraken battle (thanks to 100% AI devour) I retreat…

Maybe you play without music on? Good music in headphones provides twice as often mana surges, AI’s devour chances are reduced to 11.7%, and you always have good starting board for Mercy.

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Wish that would be true - I always play with a wonderful playlist of my (currently) favourite songs. :wink: It doesn’t seem to impress the game much, sadly.

Generally, every exploder is fast. 1) You don’t have to take ALL 4+ matches. Usually you have to carefully examine the board to prevent AI from getting extra turns. It may seem small, but over a lengthy period it adds up to a lot of time. 2) Gorgotha. You can go straight for the mana, ignoring skulls.

All you have to do is to mindlessly cast Infernus/Worldbreaker/TDS again and again. You can even finish the match without touching the board.

My gw troops, not my firebomb. They weren’t worth taking past UR so I didn’t bother. I’ll let them ascend naturally.

Agreed, batty princess does indeed work well but you have to play it right. I even go up against psion and if it goes tits up, retreat.
As mentioned, choose the right banner and where I think you’re going wrong is when you’re casting Elspeth. If there’s not many blues, wait a few turns. Also, I don’t cast bat until Elspeth is filled up so I can instantly cast Elspeth on the penguin again, hopefully refilling the bat straight away. There’s a bit of strategy with it but not much.

I do love TDS for that very reason; I play a dragon team in explore (yes, Fire Bombs and Sunbird are faster, but that’s too much particles for me and it’s less relaxing). There’s a big difference between Infernus and TDS, though. Also Submerge. I hate Submerge.

I tried again with a different banner and it just doesn’t work for me. I lose even against the dumbest opponent teams. Elspeth does exactly zero to fill CB, with a banner helping Elspeth CB doesn’t fill fast at all, after Elspeth has casted twice I have no more Penguins and am often stuck with non-blue troops (and the best I get is dual color troops where no blue is guaranteed) and it’s just not working. Elspeth is a horrible gem spammer; she creates way too few gems to be even called one.
And yeah, did ten matches, won two. Horrible. I’m waaaaaay faster with my regular PVP team or the adviced YC team or even my dragon team. Maybe I’m really just too dumb for this team (as I’m used to play gem changers or/and exploders; I hate losing my turn) or maybe it’s CB not being traited (but I doubt that). But it’s not working. Khorvash + 3x Penguin kills way faster than this.

Then the only conclusion I have is what you already suggested, you’re just rubbish! :joy::joy::joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (I’m only kidding)
I find it bizarre because I use it every week to rip through to 1900 points. What she summons is usually irrelevant as after two penguins it’s game over 95% of the time. Maybe a skull hit is all that’s required.

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You totally nailed me. The one and only.

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Or maybe I’m actually a genius who found the best PVP team already and now everything else is bad in my eyes.:blush: (Nah, I have actually no idea why it just won’t work for me. But it really doesn’t. How long do you need each week for the 1900 points? I tend to need between 1,5 and two hours with my team. Ysabelle is seriously underrated; she’s excellent at filling the rest of the crew.
But really, I’m confused about what I’m doing wrong. I pick all 4-matches in the first turn, then cast Elspeth, which usually leads to the opponent being able to get some 4-matches and everything goes downhill from then on…

That explains matter! :smiley: And yay, you’re pretty much the first other person from my guild I’ve seen here on the forums, which is sad. Though maybe they all lurk here under other usernames…

Lol, about an hour to hour and a half but it depends on which fight I choose. Sometimes I deliberately choose the easiest just to speed farm gold, so that takes much longer.

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I do that, too, when the three-trophy one is a pile of crap (aka Humility/Humility/Anariel/Plague or the usual Psion/Ragnagord stuff. I avoid Psion as much as possible) or when the low one is ridiculously easy and the player is only level 50 or so. But otherwise, I pick the three-trophy one to also fill my weekly guild trophy requirements along with the tier and can then get out of PVP for another week.

If I really want to beat a Humility/Anariel/Plague team I usually run something like Draakulis and 3x Spirit Fox (you can even use it as a full green GW team), focus the spirit fox casts on Anariel… once she’s down, everything else shouldn’t be too much of an issue :slightly_smiling_face: