Mysterious Fathoms Below

Over 150 keys in and I don’t have a single copy of her. :rage:

But, thank the stars that I got 7 or so copies of my already Mythic-ed (before the event) Leviathan :roll_eyes:

This stupid game, sometimes, I swear to Chuck.

Edit 1: This is why I hate RNG systems. Honestly, I would trade all my extra copies of Leviathan and everything else in the kingdom, just to get 1 of the new Legendary. But that’s not how this game works.

So, for 150 event keys, all I got was a few hundred souls (via Disenchantment), because everything is already Mythic. Yee-freaking-haw. Like I need more of those. Pfft.

Edit 2: Now, I’m about 200 keys in, a bunch of glory (via Spoils of War) and gems wasted and still no new Legendary. This is crap.


200 event keys and no nimue…but I got 5 extra copies of leviathan

Tell me about it @JonathanStriker. I’m still having lousy luck getting Mythics on both my console and pc/mobile accounts. Perhaps we might call it “purging all keys to leave you with nothing” rather than “trying for the featured troop”.

I think it’s also starting to veer strongly in the “No Event Legendaries for Youuu” direction too for multiple endgame players. What’s up with that.
Ahhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrgg :crazy_face: .

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Well… anyway… I’ve been hiking in the White Mountains for a week and away from console. Admittedly I am kind of worried that when I get back, I won’t be able to rescue Nimhain, I mean NIMUE from her captivity in this week’s Event chests.

What’s that? You didn’t notice that @Nimhain is the featured Legendary this week? :slight_smile:
Take another look at the Siren’s song to see a mysterious (but surely friendly) face:

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That’s definitely the friendliest face I’ve ever seen @Theicla.

Lol @Saltypatra
I was wondering whether someone would comment on Nimue’s avowed superpower… to deftly punish “the 2 strongest enemies.”

Nothing more devastating than Silence with a Smile :smile:


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