My feedback after third week of Events

Yes, they are. And nobody ever suggested they weren’t. Why he felt it necessary to start with that is silly.

No, that’s not true. At all.

But max rewards shouldn’t be so miniscule or so far out of reach that everybody just gives up before they get halfway there.

Strange, after this:

…i understood that there is nothing left to be discussed since you and your pals are authorities. It’s far from me to disrepect such enbodiment of reason. :wink:

Nah, it’s just me “pulling your leg” or trying to be “endearingly annoying” if this is even possible without backfiring mostly always, but cats do it so well…

It’s not minuscule, the thing is that to chase your “endgamer goal” it barely changes your odds, so you instantly dismiss it as irrelevant when compared to the amount of effort you need to use, wich basically is, to you and others chasing the troubled “endgamer goal” as i see.
And not everyone is playing GoW in the same “endgamer goal”.

I can understand that most people share the sentiments with your son in one or more levels, but to be fair it’s like any other progressive game where you have trouble finishing some areas, killing some bosses or special challenges… To him the experience intended by the developers, i assume, is that they provide diferent weekly mini-goals that will be a little troubling sometimes, but he will feel really excited as he manages to complete more steps, and later, the whole event. It’s nice to see your feedback with your son’s experience as it gives us some perspectives.

The easy steps of the events are certainly aimed mostly at new players as your son, and the most hardcore parts, demanding more Event points, are obviously aimed at veterans as an escapism from the intense grind.
BUT… the huge gripe/problem of the endgamers, either they know it or not, is that trading one grind (PVP) for another that is a little less rewarding for time put (Events) does no good at all.

So @htismaqe, that is your problem with the events, as i humbly see it, it’s not about the rewards total, it’s not about how steep they are for you or others so people give up on them in the middle, it’s just that they add nothing new or exciting, just more battles with the same teams you usually play…

I try to “fix” the events on my own for the sake of having fun, usually with more limited teams to test new stuff and later share it if said teams are decent enough… Maybe that’s why i’m very positive about the whole thing even if i don’t min/max the events for the lack of time, since my time spent was just… fun… And maybe that’s why i didn’t fully considerated all angles before, or that i thought it was pretty earlier to make much considerations on events since we had just a few so far.

The devs also tried to encourage this behavior of using other teams with new troops in order to get extra rewards, because mind you, even if not all troops are “top tier” or “must have” it certainly is a little disheartening to see that they aren’t used enough while there is sometimes a lot of creative effort put into them, so come on people try new things that aren’t min/maxing your resources at full power. And while some could certainly see some rework (Buff Dokkalfar anyone?) some are just plainly ignored because they are not Khorvash, Mab…

I think i’m drifting in my thoughts… i’ll finish this post for now. I had an idea before that may or may not be mashed together with the events to make them more interesting.


I think you missed my point.

[quote=“Ivar, post:62, topic:17926, full:true”]
Nah, it’s just me “pulling your leg” or trying to be “endearingly annoying” if this is even possible without backfiring mostly always, but cats do it so well…[/quote]

But since it was a joke, I think it was me who missed the point. :blush:

Again, I didn’t say it was JUST miniscule. It shouldn’t be so minuscule OR so far out of reach. I don’t have a problem completing the Events. But just about everybody I’ve talked to or read about is giving up after the first 3 or 4 rewards. That’s not a problem for me, that’s a problem for the event system as a whole. The early rewards are obviously way too easy and the later rewards are obviously too small to be worth the effort. That’s the problem. Either give the stuff away or make it difficult to get, don’t do both.

And therein lies the issue with troops as well. Getting every legendary in the game is WAY too easy, while getting every Mythic in the game is nigh impossible.

The devs need to balance this beeyatch. Right now it’s a teeter totter.

Great observation IMO.

Actually it actually is the former. I don’t believe they’re properly balanced at all. Too easy up front, too little reward on the backend. They absolutely have helped with variety, for God’s sake I’m using a Tyri team today. :wink:

I used to be a lot like this. Unfortunately, the margin for error gets smaller the higher level you get. The time vs. rewards gets more and more out of whack until it just feels like a grind with no actual accompanying accomplishment.

See in my mind, I think the devs WANT to diversify the game but their inaction on things like Khorvash and Bone Dragon belies the actual effort. Unfortunately, I’m a bit of a pessimist. I firmly believe that a game like this is made for the min/maxer and even though I didn’t want to become one, as I got further into the game, I found it became more and more necessary in order to stay competitive. Furthermore, I think it’s bottom line human nature to do whatever is necessary to win, whether that’s griefing, min/maxing, sharing accounts, or even straight up cheating. Until things are balanced better, the devs are never going to get a nice spread because people inherently gravitate towards the loophole of the day.



I’m like level 80. That’s early right?

My experience with the game on the basic level is it’s a cool idea.

As far as the game play? It’s… ok…

I gave up one the demon event after getting like maybe 11 total. They weren’t showing up in pvp… and when I did explore, more often than not, if there was a demon, it was one of the Four Horsemen and I got wrecked by cascading board of cheap ai bullcrap.

Which is also what I’m running into more often in pvp… cheap cascading board with cheap ai tgat just takes turn after turn on teams set for recurring loops with nothing you can do about it.

So right now I’m doing pvp to get guild seals and trying to do events to get the tropps because they’re new to me.

If the troops were any farther beyond where they are in the events, I honestly would not bother with them at all and wouldn’t have invested the small amout that I put into the game. (Path To Glory 1).

So yeah… I guess you could call me a filthy casual and I’m just playing to see pixels fall into my possession and to see the AI troops driven before my rampaging team of Luther, Ranger and Bamshee…


Oh… and for how rare mythic, Legendary and whatever are supposed to be… the explore mode if crawling with them and it’s pretty silly.

“Here I am in ge Ogre Kingdom and look… it’s Death, two named dragons and a Faeri Queen… what?”


Hey there’s nothing wrong with being a “filthy casual.” Tbh most gamers are that. Hardcore players typically just have more time on their hands. :wink:

Level 80 is definitely still early on. I can understand why you had issues with the demon event, I think a lot of us did. Issues as far as it seems like that event took longer than any before it. I think it took me around 520ish matches to get max rewards.

Early game I feel is pretty brutal, because unless you’re planning to spend a lot of time in the game, not many guilds will give you much of a return. (still important to join one though)

I think the devs are constantly working to soften the blow to early players though. The guild task change helped, as well as these events. That’s not to say more couldn’t be done. One good thing is the great community of players around willing to help you in any way they can.

Hopefully you get those troops! Oh and thanks for sharing your pov.

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I think it feels this way because we at higher levels can complete the earlier steps of the events that are there mostly for the new players, so we are not being denied the smaller/easier carrot. We also have a shot at the bigger carrots but we need to chase it… And people are surely tired of chasing carrots/rewards.

That’s why i believe that shortening your time chasing carrots/rewards will barely prevent your grief. When you get all you want or all the game has to offer (until next week :laughing:) your sense of accomplishment will tilt (i think). At least that’s what i fear that would happens to me if i couldn’t change my own perspective. I still want to get everything in the game, but i also want a good experience while doing it, so i take things easier using my time better i guess.

I’m not dismissing your experience or perspective, but the solution for it maybe lies in something else… What i’ve thought about events before was something like Evolved Gorgotha’s battle, so what if the last steps of the events would be some interesting battles with unique, non-recruitable, bosses? Also maybe a challenge for the whole guild like a boss where each guild member would attack it as much as he/she can and after everyone faced it or at the end of the week, whatever happens first, some rewards would be awarded like guild keys and such? Not very original and all some may think and it was suggested before i’m sure, but i’m not spoiling all the details i’ve been planning. This worked in games with guild systems before and with GoW’s unique mechanics it could be really interesting i think.

Certainly some people would say that making hardcore challenging battles as the last steps of the events would just make sure that not everyone would finish the whole events, but i’ve been considering that it could work as this: The last step of the event unlocks the special battle option and it’s up to the player if he/she will beat the last boss or just keep whacking troops and collect the Event Points to get the last reward.

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Yes, yes, and more yes. :+1: Many great ideas in that post.

As for the last paragraph, I will continue to insist that most people aren’t completing the last steps the events now, so implementing some of the ideas you put forward has zero risk. ZERO. :smiley:

Just a suggestion but don’t Ever play this on ps4 console. If you don’t like the cheap cascades and feel like the AI is getting endless turns then stick to PC.
Its real bad on console that crap.
Lol watched the Same Mab have 8 turns in a row on ps4 last night.

Apart from that I’m glad your liking the game and best of luck in future events.

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So what you’re saying, @htismaqe, is that you would like more things to do as an end game player? Is that correct?

If so, I can get behind that since I’m in the same position as you, but I just accept that there isn’t much more for me to do until we get Blackhawk and more troops.

Actually I want things to be balanced better. This game seems to operate on a steep geometric curve.

The events follow suit - easy, easy, easy, easy, BAM, impossible.

I get it that they want to slow progression down for new players, that helps the problem immensely. But for those of us that have already navigated the pre-existing mountainous curve, it kind of feels like it was all for naught.

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It was a short reply from me since I was busy, but I feel comfortable in saying that if end game players can get a little something else to do the balance will be amazing for all players at any stage in the game.

If you ask me, I think there’s very decent balance for mid game and early players, which is obviously fantastic, just that it falls off when you approach end game and there’s very little to do.

With all that being said, I should’ve worded my first reply better, ha ha. My mistake.

As I said, I just accept it and I’m not bothered by it that much as an end game player.

I guess I should clarify that I accept it to a certain extent too. I’m still playing after all, quite a bit actually.

But I’m also going to be vocal about things that could be improved, IMO. Part of it is that I’m playing catch up. I spent the last 6 months arguing with end-game players about balance because as a mid-game player, I wasn’t having any issues.

It wasn’t until I spent a few weeks in their shoes that it really became clear to me.

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i think thats the problem of at least half the gow community, including me (with comparing every other game mode to pvp time/rewards being a flag example)

i find myself having to min/max in order to maintain my completionist minimums with the time i have

~350 lvl here.
have almost all non mythic troops.
events are nice thing, but game have another con.
I mostly play pvp, because I’m in guild at 15th position. So i need contribute 1300 seals (harder part) and 250k gold (easier part)
I play pvp because it gives most reward (seals and gold)
I need a lot of souls so I play PVP with team that farm souls. So that’s why I almost never take buffed troops in my team. Except troops that gives some bonus. (Snow guardian and this week troop)
Some events s*** of course. Like use all undead team and get 20 souls. Why would I when I can get 200+ souls with my soul farming team.

The bad thing is grind in PVP. Everyone do PVP because it’s most rewarding.
They should increase seal gains in other modes than pvp.
I would love arena event and I kinda like treasure hunt event, but, one lost in arena and you loose bunch of seals.
Treasure hunt is almost nice event. But it’s hard and slow to get 60+ turns to get seals.