Mistralus - another bad Mythic on the horizon! Make it better!

Mistralus is one of the better mythics for a while, certainly been a useful troop for this week’s ToD :+1:

Other mythics do more damage, she doesn’t disable the enemy team in any way. She doesn’t explode gems or cleanse or make a storm. I really can’t find a use for her. I haven’t seen her much in PVP either. Queen Beetrix is a superior troop and anyone can get her.

Surprisingly, she pairs well with Queen Beetrix. Any extra brown can go straight into Mistralus for damage output and allows for her to cast without dropping the turn.

I really enjoy her in the Glacial Peaks Fey team though. My gold medaled Mistralus with 2 Nysha medals hits for 59 splash damage currently. It was even sillier last week during Elemental/Fey week.

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Awesome Troop, she’s perfectly fine.

The Mistralus defense team is pretty brutal. Team is something like Emerald Tear, Queen Bee, Misty, and Mercy. Emerald Tear is green gem creation boosted by enchanted allies so it was useless until Misty made it meta again.

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Somehow I missed this thread a month ago.

The troop is fine. Guild Wars viable even. Now back to not knowing about this thread.


I love this flex :joy:

To wit: will you be updating your “Mythics to Medal” thread, Idle? It’s one of my favorite things to think/dream about in Gems nowadays, despite the knowledge it’s mostly out-of-reach for me—I’ve yet to medal any mythics.

Still 3 Nyshas away (and a crafting of Ketras) before I get my first!

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Mistralus is a fantastic troop and is my “fourth” troop for my Glaycion/Zuul’Goth/Hope’s Crescent Explore team. Right now I’m leveling up Slayer, which works exceedingly well with Hope’s Crescent because of the 5 Magic for red weapon, 3 Magic for Axe (Axes of Doom level 10 War talent), and 1 Magic from level 40 Gift of Fire talent:


Since every enemy troop at Difficulty 12 in Explore has more health than me, I can deal 186 damage to them. That with Zuul’Goth gives me two lethals. Glaycion soaks skull damage and creates blue mana for Zuul’Goth (and kills a thing or two with Doomskulls).

And Mistralus? Well, she doesn’t do true damage or lethal, but she enchants my whole team and re-arranges the board. That alone is worth using her. I don’t need a third way to kill troops, so she is the perfect support. One 4+ match and my entire team is getting a free 8 mana per turn. That’s crazy good.



My bad on the flex lol. Mistralus is a Mage somehow, so it gains +6 damage which splashes and hits 1-4 times. its a pretty good medal upgrade, probably second only to Phoenicia in raw numbers.

How often would you like me to update the medal upgrades topic?


No need for apology—I really did think it was a good (and well-earned!) flex :slight_smile:

Got me to chuckle today, and it’s rare that the forums do these days.

So far as updates go, totally up to you. It’s your thread. Far be it for me to dictate or demand how generous you are with your time and opinions. If it were me, I’d maybe write anytime a new mythic comes down the line that makes it to Top 5-ish. Or anytime a mythic broke into my personal elite group (no idea how many gold mythics you have, though—the more there are, the less illuminating the list would be :laughing:)

I dunno, though—good mythics are usually easy-enough to spot, which is probably why you didn’t update the thread. When I saw Mistralus, I put her right around Aquaticus in my head as far as valuation.

But just in case it pleases you to know: I read your thoughts with interest wherever they’re posted and generally agree with them. Sometimes you think in directions I don’t, though, which is all the more interesting.

Hopefully I’ve done the same for you on occasion. Cheers! :vulcan_salute:


I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a Nysha medal today…just kidding, I’m broke. But thanks for any free advice your are willing to share.