(Misinterpretation – apologies – not coming anytime soon, it seems...) Treasure Hunt Rework: hopes, fears and expectations

It’s pretty damn funny :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: (sorry devs)

That’s fair!

I agree – or at least relying on the Hero was less fun, even if more easily guaranteeing rewards if you needed them as a newer player (Runic Blade was more relevant, there; Dawnbringer for later game players who usually played it for guild trophies).

I specifically meant the reward scheme. I was part of the beta test for the Arena Rework. There wasn’t a lot of scope to change anything or have meaningful input, but I think we initiated reversing the picking order (Epic > Common) and adding the reroll before it was released (it still took a while after release to be added, though).

I still think fewer required wins could be more fun – pick a team, prove it works a few times, pick a new one. The limited-scope team building is at least half the fun, while making do with what you have in a more even match-off is maybe the rest. Perhaps different modes would have been good (“Fast” vs “Campaign”, maybe including the option to choose team buffs/debuffs).

But enough about Arena :crazy_face:

Combined with updated rewards, I think these are both good potential suggestions, particularly from the perspective of offering the devs something in return, and I’m pretty sure I liked the post when you made it in one thread: My take on a complete Treasure Hunt revamp - #9 by Stratelier

I think @terberos is just giving feedback from a player-focused perspective, and that’s perfectly valid and useful, too.