Sorry for immediately yelling instead of doing my usual logical stuff. Now … TL;DR is that this price is OK.
For the value of these things, we have to assume that the 4,400 extra Glory cost is paying for half of the rewards in the screenshot that aren’t the troop.
Or 45 of these packs, to be precise.
180 Minor Traitstones
45 Arcane Traitstones
225,000 Gold
450 Gold Keys
90 Glory Keys
First, math (the easy part, because numbers are quantifiable).
Because I’ve done math on these things before (try stats from 1.0.9!) and they haven’t changed gold chests at all, I can safely say that every 50 Gold Keys amounts to about 30 Glory on average (plus all the troops and gems and so on you’re getting, depending if that matters).
Gold Keys cost 300 Gold, so 50 costs 15,000, which makes for about 1 Glory per 500 Gold spent. Glory Keys cost 20 Glory. Apply that…
180 Minor Traitstones
45 Arcane Traitstones
225,000 Gold = 750 Gold Keys = 450 Glory
450 Gold Keys = 270 Glory
90 Glory Keys = 1800 Glory
So another 2,520 Glory’s worth of stuff, at face value.
The other part is the Traitstones.
Obviously we can forget about Minors. Nobody gives a damn about them these days. They’re filler.
Arcanes, on the other hand, used to be half the reason we got these packs in the first place. Realistically, their presence in here is probably the only reason some of us feel like we don’t need any more of them. And I can’t exactly put a price on them since I personally won’t need more for the rest of the game’s life time, but its gotta be a lot.
Are another 45 Arcanes worth 1,880 Glory? If I saw that as a standalone deal, I’d probably buy them if I didn’t have them coming out my ears already.
So I’m gonna shut up and buy the full 91 packs now. Devs made a fair call with the price.
I do wish it was a dev doing the explaining and not me, however.