26.12.16 created our guild.Climing very fast.
Welcome active player,daily player join us.
guild minimum reps:
trophy = 500
seal = 1500
gold = 500k
gold = 800k
trophy = 300
seal = 1500
This reqs just minimum,we will pull you in first if you can do better than reqs.
Donated 1 million gold per week about 20 members in our guild.
We average 25 Legendary tasks a week.
We gain above 25k trophies per week.
And we have Line group to communicate.
Marshal II is our second guild,completed all tasks,and hit 40k seals.Reqs:300K/200T/1500S
About guild war:GW is fun,it is always good to participate,scores is not important.
Please pm me your level and invite code. We hope you can join us!
that’s ten days ago.now,our guild has 18 menbers,almost daily player,rank1977,level 30,at least 1000 trophy per day(just 18 menbers).so we climing very fast.our guild can finish one task,others at least 7/12 task.
if you are daily player,and love this game so much,welcome to our guild.
please pm me your invite code,thanks a lot
I got 1700 trophies this week, and the average in my guild is about 150. My gold donation is twice the next highest persons at 400k. Also I’m im the top 100 pvp atm.
Hi,sounds very good!
I will pull you in first if you realy like you said.
800k gold,1000+trophy every week?
You can pm me about your lvl,and invite code.