i remember in the first @Nimhain lair, she mentionned they were talking about adding mana drain immunity to the current mana shield. It is still in the plan? or it will just never happen?
i think it would be a good thing if this happen, these psion team are getting old now i want to see a new meta
I don’t see why you don’t want it, imo it will open door for more strategy , people will start using different team and try more stuff.
This is exactly the problem right now there is too much mana drainer and people stick with the same team cause they know if they try something different against mana drainer it won’t work cause 98% famine or psion or any drainer will drain you before you get the time to cast
I’m happy to hear that it is still a possibility that mana shield will protect against mana drain. I never understood why there was no immunity to drain.
Be it immunity or some other means, there should be some counter mechanic to mana drain other than “just kill it before it can do anything”. Not just to maybe make it a bit less deadlocked of a meta for defenses, but for a potentially more varied experience by allowing more viable countermeasures to invade with. This also needs to be done with with the increasing number of “lethal damage” effects, which were in the past all blocked by barrier but the most recent two aren’t.
If you read the entire post of nimhain you will
Notice she said impervious will stay like it is cause it’s already good enough and of course if they make that change to mana drain they will need to remove mana shield on some troop and balance everything
Instead of making a new trait. Just do something like make Submerged troops immune to Mana drain. Make a useless mechanic like that into something treasured.
I didin’t mention it will happen, i was asking if it was still in the plan to introduce this? Also nim answered and said they still investigating so i know it’s not 100% sure it will be implemented
I will let the devs choose wich troop they think it is necessary to remove or add the trait. The devs always did a good job in balacing so i trust them about that.
In general, Mana Drain is a crappy mechanic that does more harm than good. Yes, it’s useful on offense, but we have many other tools. On defense, however, it’s the most annoying mechanic in the game next to Devour. (And if I recall correctly, Mana Drain was introduced b/c of Devour. Let’s not forget the rich irony there.)
Therefore, anything to reduce the impact of Mana Drain is welcome in my book. And since the devs have stated repeatedly that they prefer to introduce counters as apposed to properly balance things, they’re not even internally consistent on this point since there’s no counter to Mana Drain.
While we’re on the subject of Mana Drain, I really wish they would revisit the Mana Cost associated with Mana Drain across the board (it’s under-costed relative to its power) while also taking a hard look at Psion’s 3rd trait and at least swapping out Empowered for Fast on Spirit Fox.
In the giant complex game of rockpaperscissors which should be team design, there’s no real counter currently to mana drain. There should be.
Additionally mana drain is a funsucking negative that stalls games and denies the player utility. I agree it has its place and can be a great player-oriented control mechanic. But currently it’s done too much, and too well, and too often too strong. Psion can do it too often from ubiquitous sky skulls. Famine resets a whole team and kills a troop. EK is still mega strong. All of these are borderline in the powercreep stakes - don’t think they need a nerf so much, but we do need better counters.
there are already a few mana drain counter available. for example, retreat button, alcohol, punching your screen, yelling at total stranger, writing angry review etc. we totally don’t need another. /end of sarcasm.