Lycanthropy, the why and the moving forward

do they have any game mode with gnomes and valravens at the same time? I wonder if thats part of the reason

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I’m surprised no-one has mentioned that this is clearly showing that the devs are aware that Lycanthropy is such a garbage design that it nerfs the most powerful weapon in the game so much that they didn’t need to nerf it any further.

Honestly, there isn’t a bigger indicator that Lycanthropy was poorly thought out than this. I’ve now seen a grand total of three people say they like it (with one of those people being a troll who only likes it because it makes people want to quit the game) whereas I’ve seen dozens of people speaking for their entire guild saying it’s a problematic and awful mechanic. The date that it gets updated to act like transform and the lycanthropy gems spawning randomly get taken away can’t come fast enough. If these updates weren’t happening I’d imagine a lot more people would have quit already.


So you’re saying that no one should do pure runs on the weekend when they release the next two new factions?

I like this idea! Lycanthropy can remain the same if your troop changes back to the original one, no level drop tho.
And since we are her I would like it better if lycanthropy would transform only into 1 specific troop. It could be a special werewolf. The glory troop could have been that troop or could be on one of the next weeks.

The whole lycanthropy idea has so much potential but it was done poorly.

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Let’s get this out of the way: the majority of resources are being put into PQ3 and lycanthropy was very cheap to implement. A little RNG w/some existing assets and, boom, a full quarter of ‘content’ done in < 2 sprints.

Its obvious little to no consideration was given w/how it interacts w/existing mechanics/systems. Its clear QA is only looking for game crashing bugs; actual play testing and design iteration are a thing of yesteryear.

We should also set expectations here. Lycanthropy will be a bad memory in < 10 weeks so it doesn’t make sense to invest much into a system that had so few resources applied in the first place. That defeats the entire purpose! Any further dev time in GoW would be applied to new monetization schemes.

I mean all this in the most constructive way possible. Be honest with the state of the game and future direction and set expectations accordingly. I plan on supporting the game because despite all this, the bar for mobile games is so low, it’s actually still a ‘reasonable’ value.

(Please spare me from the platitudes, promises and covid excuses. Talk is cheap)


I just lost Mythic explore match due to lycan gem wreaking havoc across my team.
I don’t get how can anyone consider “fun” when all your plans and strategies are destroyed by broken mechanic. (not to mention that my units always get turned into white or green color, and enmy averages on leggy/mythic)
I really liked this game so far, but lycan gems sap fun out of any match they spawn in, they just leave dread and annoyance…


It’s not really a broken mechanic (they did fix the bugs so it stopped crashing the game), just a poorly thought out one. :wink:

That said, these things haven’t really bothered me. I just plowed through GW as I normally do, not caring about win/lose. It appears the rest of my guild thought the same. So still meh.

Not crashing the game is a low bar. There are still a ton of bugs. Some will be fixed in the next update. Some, like removing lycan gems casting it when it shouldn’t, are still flagged as Investigating with an unknown fix date, if ever.

Tried to win my matches in GW, did not work 2 times because of that purple crap.
The addition of lyc-creating units and falling stones is a randomized deck-killer.
And again (i read this a few times) randomization is NOT fun.
We are starting to lose long-term players. And that’s even less fun.


Hey Goodwill,

It is so fun until you start losing a few Guild Wars matches over it. :wink: But before that happens feel free to talk like you are the world champion of Guild Wars…

So amigo, come back when you losing a match then, then we can talk. :clap: :bowing_man:

I don’t respond to personal attacks.

I will just mention that I willingly lose GW matches all the time. I always mention specifically that I hate the mode and wish it to go away. Last week my stats were: 2/3, 3/2, 5/0, 5/0, 5/0, 4/1. Whoopie.

As I said, I treated it with the same disdain I always do. Lyc gems didn’t change my mind either way.


That’s great for you and all, but it disregards the players who normally enjoy GW.

I think heroic gems of any kind should not come up in GW at all.


I would say if heroic gems are designed and implemented in a way that is not pushing random results but strategic plays it could be nice even in GW. Though this first (not counting Uberdoom) heroic gem is just random nonsense by what it’s doing as well as how it is doing/getting triggered.

And to be honest, I find it a bit offensive that there was no quick update yet.
I know client updates are not easily done but you (the Devs) know that and if you don’t have the man power and/or resources to do quick patches you should not implement a mechanic before it’s thoroughly tested.


Totally agree :+1:t4:

Even better, the next update seems to have new stuff as they include beta testers. :woman_facepalming: I would be surprised if 5.6 comes out during this campaign. They need to release 5.5.something as a patch.

It will likely be released during Guild Wars week as always :slight_smile:


I have to say…
… nothing new, still frustrating, probably getting worse with the increase of lycan gem drop rate.
I’m just posting to keep reminding you it’s horrible.
Also I’m still wondering how lycanthropy and especially the gems made it into the live servers and I am not sure if it’s more about being offensive to the players or embarrassing to the developers.

You get the “we hate it” posts since the start of the campaign, how about at least a little update about changes you plan, also are we really stuck for the whole campaign with this or will you try to release a patch to remove this nonsense earlier?

Oh and in case you get the impression that I’m pissed that is because: I AM!
(sorry for the wording but it expresses best what I feel and think about it).

Have a pleasant day everyone :slight_smile:

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em… whole campaign is arround lyncathropy… highly doubt anything will be done with it, until campaign is finished… if anything, it might start working like normal transforms do (halving troop lvl and removing traits), but no guarantee even on that

lycanthropy gems will be falling down whole campaign… :man_shrugging:

You want to say they implemented it and will insist on it even though it’s bad and makes people quit, just for the sake of it?
It’s like driving a car against the wall, “oh I survived and the car still works, lets keep doing it”.


Not for the sake of it, for the sake of company profit. They actually explained that some years back, they see no benefit in fixing released content once it’s been rolled out, resources only go into developing new content. Their usual approach to issues is radio silence until the storm blows over, that we even got a reaction to our feedback is highly unusual and probably means Lycanthropy is really hurting them in some way.