Lycanthropy Feedback

Next faction is for Ghulvania, will be a real blast with, lycan troops and falling lycan gems.

I’m still waiting on confirmation that Salty has passed on any feedback about lycanthropy at all. From the last dev stream all I took away is that they don’t get told what is discussed on the forum at all.

We have no choice but to white knuckle our way through it. Find something to bite down on and just take the pain. Only 3.5 more weeks.

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Why even bother with feedback? From past “improvements” of the game, experience tells, that 90-95% negative feedback is regarded as an overwhelming support, while more than 95% is blamed on “fake accounts”.

Disagree on that.
Arena was improved after feedback from forum (it’s still far from being great, but at least troop picking order is switched and you can reroll it for free).
Campaigns were given option to reroll tasks, which was after players general negative feedback about given option and time-gated tasks.
Lycanthropy is being fixed to behave like ‘transform’ spell, after players feedback.

so… things are being changed/improved after players feedback. ofc, not every opinion can be adressed and there are few reasons for that: starting from players having different ideas on same matter which mutualy exclude themself… hard to satisfy both of such players… its either one or another…

Other than that there are some changes that were introduced into the game, which some players would like to see reverted. Such thing will never happen… There was design decision to implement such change and it simply wont be trashed. If anything players can provide feedback how to improve such feature.
It was a thing for campaigns, arena rework and lycanthropy… All these things had their haters who just wanted to have these features removed/reverted to previous state… But there were also people, who spent some of their time to thinks things over and give some ideas on these flaved mechanics and how to improve them. The second group had a real impact on how game was changed. The first one didn’t.
That’s general rule - if you want your feedback to be heard and meaningfull - be constructive. Grumbling that you don’t like change isn’t a feedback. It’s just grumbling…



The things that get fixed are so obviously broken (crashing bugs, weapons belonging to the wrong kingdom) that the devs are obliged to fix them regardless of player feedback. The forums just act as unpaid QA for beta content on live servers.

The not-a-bug bugfixes (lycanthropy vs valravens) get relabeled ‘quality of life’ improvements because that sounds more competent than having to fix embarrassingly obvious bugs; gaslighting - it’s fun, it’s profitable.

Actual ‘quality of life’ improvements are few and far between and most of them almost certainly come off a dev’s personal list of pet peeves. The forums merely shift priorities up or down.

Improvements actually attributable to the forum and based on player feedback are rarer than getting two tarot cards from the vault in a row.

The forum is just additional telemetry for discontent.


I want to support that Lycanthrophy has to be removed.

A change I could live with would be that the level is halved and no traits are applied (like the transform works with Dragon’s Eye). In this case I would at least try to apply it to the opposing team to have an advantage maybe later on.

Thank you!

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The bad news is that Lycanthropy is here to stay, but the good news is that your second wish will come true once 5.6 update releases that will treat Lycanthropy transforms just like other enemy-induced transforms by halving level and removing traits.


Lycan is absolutely broken. It really sucks when you are about to kill a 1hp enemy in pure faction run but then it suddenly transforms to a stronger beast with full hp. :face_vomiting:


I’ve just signed up to these forums for one reason only. I’ve been playing GoW for almost a year now and have gotten past level 1000. I’ve played match 3 games before but this one is unique in that it’s not really a match 3 game any longer. I like a lot about this game… EXCEPT for lycanthropy.

I fucking HATE lycanthropy.
Enough to really turn me off to this game… I can accept how this may be a limited run campaign and how lycanthropy may only be activated afterwards by choice from selecting specific cards. If that’s the case, then I can tolerate this crap. If not. I guarantee you that I will lose interest altogether and abandon this.

I play games for enjoyment, not to be pissed off at random events outside of my control which completely ruin the game for me. It seems like you’re getting a lot of complaints about this. Perhaps it’s time for whoever thought this was a good idea to reevaluate their thinking.

Tresk suggested turning it into a mechanic that gets activated like devour. A little bit of stress and variety is great for a game. I can get behind that. This random dropping of lycanthropic gems has to stop. As many have noted, we spend a lot of time and energy getting to know these characters and their traits as we carefully craft our teams. The way the current lycanthropy mechanic works is to essentially crap all over that effort. Not a wise implementation.

Further to Lyncanthropy after enduring it for a while:
There has not been one case in which lycanthropy has resulted in a benefit to me as a player. Whenever random events occur, it’s generally a random benefit to either myself or the system. With lycanthropy, EVERY outcome fucks me over. I am at the point where every time I see a lycanthropy gem, I cringe.

There is only so long I can endure a game that makes me cringe on a consistent basis before I get so frustrated I literally will walk away and never come back to it while endlessly talking trash about it to everyone I can.


Garbage, plain and simple.

Frankly, before making such changes, it would be better to test the community and do beta tests before releasing it like that!

Lycanthropy is supposed to be a bad effect! For AI, this is more of a positive effect than a negative one! It’s not normal, when there is 75 life left, it turns into a beast with all its stats: 260 Attack, 275 Armor and 280 Life! And even when you have 3 Orpheus medals you are still transformed !! It sucks really sucks! Please remove it as soon as possible! Thank you


All due respect here (Because I do respect where you have landed on lycanthropy and why)… I have to say when the the cure is don’t play for 10 weeks, there is a problem.

Yes yes, YES! You can do other things. But losing 10 weeks of a mode you are concentrating on because you are effectively done everywhere else? Not amazing for retaining players.

10 weeks is actually a pretty long time to wait to do what you want to do in a game. Perhaps a gem reward for picking noses would help? haha

You already know I think the entire mechanic is a total chunk blow. I already know you think it’s fine. Perhaps we could agree that maybe certain modes or situations should have been lycanthropy free? I could dig that. I could totally be ok with it in WE, even though I hate it. I could be ok in PvP and various other BS. But is it really that hard to just say “ya…delves not cool?”


I have been informed, that on the new campaign on Switch, Lycanthropy has been disabled! can you confirm that?

I agree Lycanthropy makes it difficult to play as random gems pop up and turn are troops in something else, but Norberts Turnip turns us in to frogs, spells that silent, troops that eat us and weapons that turns us in to dragons. It’s fun in my option plus we can use Lycanthropy on them, we can use cleanse. I think you shouldn’t quit because troops change in to beast. Have fun with gems of war and go on a vacation or do something to calm your nerves.

This is the single worst idea that has been incorperated in years, I have been playing this game since at least 2016 and am thinking of retiring, it is sad that a stupid game mechanic may be the linchpin

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While I understand new changes will come about, it must be to the enjoyment of the game, lyconthrapy does the opposite, it ruins parts of the game.

I wouldn’t mind lyconthrapy in the normal game although it totally goes against setting teams and strategies but where I fully disagree with it is on delves, mainly pure faction. Delves are extremely tough already but to have lyconthrapy in delves is just making it damn near impossible, I find it has ruined my fun in delves, what’s the point of pure faction if u just going to have your team converted? It makes no sense and makes delves that much harder which it doesn’t need.

I agree with a comment or two I have read above, I am VIP 8 but I won’t spend anymore money on this game now, instead of it being fun, it’s now just frustrating and a pain in the butt.

Well done on ruining the game devs.

I have no idea, sorry.

It’s a bit frustrating in high level delves. The lycanthropy gems have caused me to waste a few sigils, and when you only get three per day, that’s an extremely sad blow, especially when you invest significant time in each delve attempt.

It would have been fun if I had gotten a mythic or something to finish out the delve, but no, I get sacrificial cows. And regardless of what the enemy’s new beast troop is, it is full health and full level.

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Walraven is undead, don’t stun it, and it won’t catch lycantropy