Looking for a fast kill - Valkyrie team

I’m level 890 and I use this same team a lot… So does @Shimrra

Its quite good, indeed. But sometimes there will be skulls left on the field for the enemy team and it kills skeletton easily. But thats just sometimes. Also I am totally new with those troops where I can choose a type of stone to change it color, so it is kinda confusing to start with lol But I am sure I will be a lot better using this team after some practising. When that is said I have been extremly lucky with my Legendary pulls, I am just Level 120 and have already got KoS, Sheggra, Gloom Leaf, Crimson Bat, Abhorath, two Shadow Dragons and a Goblin King. If I remember right, Sheggra and Crimson Bat is the currently two hardest Legendaries to pull. What I mean is, finally I have a team where KoS is in, and I have use for him. :slightly_smiling:

get those kingdoms up, it will save your skeleton!

So true, Mac. I am finished with the two magic, and now I am in for the 600k for the 5 attacks, then in for life, armour.

With practice, this team loops and holds turn very well. Don’t fire Skeleton until Valkyrie or Slime are also charged, or ideally only fire in order Valkyrie > Slime > Skeleton > Keeper.

I use red/purple banner (yellow/purple would also work) to help charge Valkyrie as well as skull makers…

If I can charge Valkyrie quickly, once she fires, the enemy often never gets a turn again…

Hard to understand it now, but I am sure I will figure out how to master it, all just level 10 now except from level 19 skeleton. So cant take fully off just yet. :wink: But thanks for the tips. Will try it!

if you go skeletons, go with health then armor then attack. the reason being that the skeletons will up their own attack, but they need to stay alive long enough to start.

What also works very well is:

(proud banner (double red))
Glade Warden
Hero (Sheggra’s Heart)

Also fairly quick, and gets you lots of souls (but you do need Glade Warden to be fully traited for it to be really effective).

Other random tips:

  • early doors try to match red and yellow, and leave blues/greens/purples on board
  • cast Valkyrie to hit reds/yellows/browns not greens/purples
  • and try to get a 4 or 5 blues when she casts
  • don’t cast Slime if there are few greens or purples on board
  • if there are multi skull matches on screen, cast Skeleton to try and match more than one, or cast another spell if it gets you a 4 or 5 match
  • always match off 4 or 5s in red/yellow/brown before casting spells
  • cast Keeper to hit reds/yellows/Browns ideally, but only cast him to get a 4 or 5 skulls
  • in these ways you are ‘simplifying’ the board at every step greatly increasing your chance of chains / 4s and 5s on your spells

Similar tactics apply to many teams where you chain spells and board control. Don’t colour swap a colour you’ll need for your next spell!


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Try using a stoneskin traited unit up first, that allows you to be hit 3+ times before your first guy is done.

Options: Golem, Treant, Knight Coronet, Green Slime, Archon Statue, Gloom Leaf, Gorgon, Stone Giant.

Archon Statue is particularly good at chewing up skeleton based teams (b/c of first trait).

Trait the keeper and Valkyrie with Necromancy and you will get to the soul cap almost every match

Thanks, soul cap is 80, if I remember right? And considering I playing in normal, will it not be difficultier reaching 80 cap?

It depends on your armor for the base difficulty soul cap. I have celestial and get 80 souls at normal and 140 at Warlord IV

the best thing you can do is join an active guild and hoard gems until you get one of the final armor sets. Personally I vote celestial still. Even though it won’t help as much with gold for kingdoms it can really help getting kingdoms up to 3 stars which helps with gem generation. And you need a ton more farming for souls than gold. Depending on the guild they may slow you kingdom leveling with a gold requirement but it will be well worth it in the end.

Doing it now, just joined a guild placed 11th.

wish we had slime on console :frowning: anyone have any ideas for a quick valk team on console? i’ve been usin this team but it doesn’t seem very quick at all…


Do you have any of the keeper of soul, sheggra or bone dragon?

bone dragon hasn’t been released I’ve got the others.

Try the Druid - best blue mana damage dealer in those olden days…

I use hero eagle eye, carnex, behemoth, valkyrie with level 10 ghulvania. carnex is the focus once he’s filled he usually fills everybody else and you get a pretty nice chunk of damage from eagle eye.

I also wish green slime was on the console and wish skeleton and venoxia had attack buffs from the app.