Limit Elementalist in PvP - Kingdom Restrictions

I play PvP mainly to level up my underused classes. When a Kingdom arrives with say - “Restricted to Merfolk or Merlantis”, I would like to play as a Tidecaller. BUT NO!!! I have to deal with all the players using Elementalist even if it makes no Theme base sense - and needless to say - they win more than me, especially if I am also Kingdom locked and can’t use Wand of Stars as a counter.

Seriously - do you see that players use the same few options over and over. There is no skill involved here - no incentive to be creative. Everyone just uses the same boring META option Elementalist provides.

So - my request, if a PvP area is going to have restrictions - it needs to apply to the class too. So, in the above scenario, if I can only use Merfolk - then I can also only use Tidecaller.

I recall when the Immortals were being introduced, there was a video where your head developer (Simian or something, can’t recall his name) - said something to the effect “We can’t wait to see what new team combinations you will be making.”

I call BS - because A. I doubt this guy took a second glance at anything after counting his money from PvP Season passes and B. - If he did actually look, he’d see most people don’t use Immortals. Partly because teams with them get erased when you leave the PvP screen, but mostly because people just pick Elementatlist with a WoS and available META troops like Stellarix/Tashaka/Diamantrix/Arachnean Weaver/Megavore, over and over and over…

This needs to be addressed before new modes/resources/nerfs occur.


I agree, if there is a Troop Type restriction in effect then the Hero’s Class MUST be likewise restricted to match that Type. It’s a bit absurd that the (generally) strongest Troop in the game, and which every player is guaranteed to have a copy of, is also allowed to ignore most restrictions imposed by most modes.

Some new players may not have unlocked all Classes yet but that is fine, Central Spire is always available as a region.


Would you want the same restrictions on other game modes or just PvP?

It only matters in PvP.

After I have earned almost 3m million VP in total until today, that would be the day I stop playing (PvP). Similar to the pathfinder incident, a change like that would do more harm than good. Totally against it …


I agree with the above – the Hero should be restricted in terms of class selection to match the restriction of the region in question. I’d further like to see Hero weapons better restricted rather than see the lack of variety already present in opposition (high-level) teams also reflected there.

That being said, I also don’t really care anymore. Since I’ve stopped pursuing the leaderboards at all, it doesn’t bother me to simply ignore the “rule of thumb” to take the highest-VP battle; I’m much more inclined to simply take the “highest-VP battle without an Elementalist opponent” in any region where I’m not using an Elementalist hero myself, and that’s a huge percentage of the outer ring these days unless I run into the overlap of Blood Frenzy with Gold Marks.


But what kingdom do you play in? If Broken Spire…that’s fine. Even the monochrome ones are fine. But if we are limited to troop tyles…then classes should match.

Sorry, but if you are someone spamming everywhere with elementalist, you may be scoring high but you’re harming the rest of us.

I know you probably think “Well, the VP requirements are so daft, this is the only way to score big.”

So the question really is…should PvP be fun or a job?

I pick the blood frenzy region, wherever it is. Otherwise I’ll get no more than 60, maybe 70 VP at best. And all my classes have been fully upgraded for years. That being said, I use more than one. But another restriction would take even more fun out of the game.

TLDR answering your question. Yes, the game should be fun (again), therefore NO FURTHER RESTRICTIONS.


I too would like to see the class restricted to the type restriction.

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Yeah I use Archer way more than Ele for regular PvP grind

I understand. Truly…if I had all my classes maxed, I’d probably just spam Elementalist too just to get the “Tasks” over with.

I usually do well in Blood Frenzy with any class as long as I can cleanse my troops, but today… the Merfolk and Mists of Scales regions are unplayable unless I use the elementalist. Even then, with the exploding potion drops and doom skulls, if I miss an extra turn right away…they clobber me.

It is a good counter against Diamantrix Doomstorm!

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Pokes head into discussion.
OR… you could just nerf elementalist (and balance the other classes better) so it’s not a massive problem in PvP because it’s way too powerful.
Ducks back out of discussion to avoid axes and swords being thrown at the mere mention of the super-powerful class needing nerfing back down to just being powerful.

I already said on day one that not enforcing outer ring restrictions was not a smart idea. Wonderful community managers retorted that it elementalist was allowed in order to help newer players. Of course, when asked to elaborate how facing elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after elementalist after helps said newer players in any way community managers promptly disappeared never to be seen again.
If you came up with outer ring restrictions in the first place, implement them fully or get rid of them altogether. Current half-baked mess is an embarrassment.

So I only play absolute minimum of outer region (non-elementalist-enemy, if possible) for gold mark reward (not using elementalist on my team, of course, I just can’t dumb myself down enough to do it) and otherwise never touch it again. I don’t care in the slightest about mental gymnastics others use to justify elementalisting the heck out of outer ring and calling it fun - all I see is DAF despicable somethings that take pleasure in ruining fun for others (and make particular spectacle of themselves when they start complaining about elementalist being everywhere without seeing that they themselves are part of the problem).
Anyhow, nobody is touching inner ring - have elementalist fun there to your heart’s content and you can even use wand of stars as an added fun bonus. Nobody’s taking that away from you.

Of course, there are funner ways of dealing with breaking outer ring restrictions. For example, let’s make a thing and call it “usage cost” - appropriate class has usage cost of 0%, ordinary non-restriction class has usage cost of 50%, elementalist has usage cost of 90% from total VP for the battle. I would find this one fun and elementalist users can still have their fun of using elementalist everywhere.
(EDIT. You can define it differently, if some get allergic from it looking like a penalty. Elementalist on attack get standard VP against all opponents; weekly restriction class gets five times the normal VP (or other truly substantial amount) against elementalist defenders.)

One that I personally find much funnier is replacement (just like they replaced Stellarix and Wand of Stars) - if attacker uses elementalist, defending team’s hero gets replaced with superelementalist (superelementalist trait - “all negative status effects on all enemies when enemy’s turn begins”).

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Yes, actually!

  • Class Trial (esp. since you must’ve already unlocked the class to even participate)
  • Weapon colors in Delves
  • etc.

I understand the sentiment (the “buff, not nerf” mantra), but not the specifics. Player engagement/interest is not (strictly) relevant to underlying game balance/design.

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using a different class in class trials was a great way to get easy xp for the less played ones, when I was still leveling

I would have been bummed to be locked to a class that was already maxed


I agree with this as well. It would be nice to use other classes in the specific regions to help level them up, but in most cases you won’t stand much of a chance without using Elementalist.

Admittedly I only have like 3 classes maxed, so that’s barely an issue for me, but here’s an easy compromise: Since you always have to build a Class Trial team from scratch, that team’s Class selection should default to the matching Class.

I don’t want even more restrictions on how I decide to play.


I appreciate your consistency! Let’s also keep in mind these are the same devs who brought us Terra’s Jewel with it’s useless final trait :laughing: