Legends Reborn - Forest of Thorns

Hi Kafka,

Thanks for the update. As suspected, it seems like there’s just a release delay in the code that the design team probably didn’t know about, as with that last batch of new pets. Maybe this can be worked around in the future by “releasing” the pets 4-5 weeks early.

Will there be an announcement in a news post when the pets are available?

So that’s it. You can’t do anything to correct it for the future? Is that mean that forest of thorns will not come back in Legends Reborn?

I’m not asking certain questions (once, or multiple times, or to check upon again before release!) to annoy anyone or out of spite but with clear suspicions about how certain things tend to run its course and tend to work out.
It is the same as with the last bulk release of multiple pets when misinformation happened before. That’s why I asked to check again here!

If you read this thread again from your statement ~11d ago (as of right now) you can see others share the same thoughts and suspicions on the matter.

Thank you for doing the testing with the result that was suspected…

and also for communicating about it.
This is much better than no infos at all!

I mean, sad that the suspicions were correct and also sad that nothing will be done about this now and we just go with the “in 4-5 weeks” (again).
→ Which exactly is it by the way, 4 weeks or 5 weeks?

While on paper the idea is a good one, it would need supervision with every release / input. I’m not trusting this far here. I guess this would lead to even more fails.
A better solution would be to finally fix the flawed code.


It’s not really flawed, the delay is intentional to increase the incentive of buying into Newly Released Stuff. Better handling would probably be to extend the data model to contain two dates, a release date (to make things show up in the roster) and a distribution date (to make things show up in loot tables). That would allow for exceptions (like Shadow-Hunter’s Claw a while ago) and make it easier to see what’s going on.


thanks for testing and communication…now i love you :heart_eyes:


Looks like the Legends Reborn pets are now showing in pet rescues :slightly_smiling_face: