Legends Reborn - Karakoth

Originally published at: Legends Reborn – Karakoth – Gems of War

For the next week we will have a Legends Reborn event set in Karakoth. Legends Reborn can be accessed from either the Games Menu or the Karakoth Kingdom Menu (if the storyline has been completed previously). Defeat Purple Enemies and collect Elder Eyes to earn the Reward Tiers for this event. Collecting the rewards for…


Hi Adventurers,

We’ve noticed an issue where the new Soulforge recipe for crafting a specific Dragonite Dragon isn’t currently in the Soulforge. This was planned to appear after weekly reset today (20 minutes ago).

The team are currently working on fixing it and we hope to release the fix as soon as possible (preferably in the next couple of hours, but I’ll keep you updated)


I take it this is only for 1st time players of legends reborn?

my Game on xbox just crashed before fight 7 in Legens Reborn. Hope its not a new bug

Yeah, I see it too, several of the overlays (such as the enemy splash screen, which now includes their level) are intended for the first-time Kingdom Quest and NOT replays via Legends Reborn. This is definitely noticeable for the last battle specifically (because “unlock Ferit”).

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This is one of my favorite quest lines! I just wish we could make one teensy change to the final fight, and have it be the rainbow Dark Zuul instead of Abhorath. If that’s not enough to make Ferit and every new player go insane, then nothing will be!

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@Kafka Can you confirm that the trophy/achievement awarded for completing 5 legends reborn stories (Kingdom Crusher) in one event is now broken? If so, are there plans to fix this or mitigate it in some way?

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Am I misunderstanding how the shiny dust and tokens are to be claimed? I bought the 4.99 and 9.99 collectables, but the shiny bonus’ have remained locked. Confused.

have to claim the free and gem costed ones too

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You have to move the cursor manually a little and then claim them.

Thank Gobmothers green nips we dont have to complete the story over and over , nice move devs credit due where credits due.


Did that already. The lock on the shiny items won’t open. Have gathered all the free an gem costed items. Usually the paid for item opens the locked shiny item, but it is not unlocking.


Yah, that doesn’t work, hence the post. Thank you though :heart:

You received confirmation of payment and it still doesn’t unlock after restarting the game? If yes to both then I suggest making a new bug report thread for it.

Whichever team was behind this redesign please give them more work. Nothing but positive notes on this.


I have mixed feelings on this. Previously we had to replay the story up to 5 times (each time unlocking later in the week) for full rewards, but now it is just a “one and done”? Less playtime demand is good, don’t get me wrong, but I would be fine with 2 replays of the story, or maybe 3 tops.

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Thank you. I’ll do that :heart:


Did you ever get this resolved? I thought I had the same issue then I realized I had to hit down to get to the “collect” button :laughing:

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