Legendary Drops From Glory Keys

I got just under 1 in 170 last time I opened 5k keys in 2.0.1. Shimmra’s numbers for 10800 glory chests indicate just over 1 in 145 in version 2.0. It may feel like 1/200, but the numbers seem to say otherwise. I dont think the actual drop rates have changed between versions, but I know in both it was very easy to go streaks of 500+ glory keys without getting a single legendary. However, because of the now-small number of glory keys given, it can take a while to recover from that kind of streak. For some people, they may never reach “even odds” for their entire time playing the game.

I know I’m banking on getting all future legendaries releases from event keys as they come in, because the current-most conservative possible-estimate 1/4785 chance of a random pull for a specific legendary from a glory key (or 1/1,196 for a gem chest, both getting worse every week a legend is added to the general drops) is highly unappealing, especially when you can easily spend three times that without getting your target drop.
