[Known Issue] Games Button Not Working

They only know how to rollback rewards that they didn’t intend for us to get.


So, is anyone working on this?

LR also accessible through Events/News tab

For those looking for a hack, my guildmate found it: so go to your portrait in the upper left-hand corner and click on it. Then click on the circle near the bottom of the page. Next, click the Hero tab. Now you’ll be able to scroll through everything (dungeon, arena, etc.) & can gain access there. As for Legends Reborn & Class Trial, they can be accessed through News. Hopefully these guys get on it!

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I remember an other thread about something not working as it should, many years ago. A lot of first postings by new forum members back then too.
Someone from the moderation team, I think it might have been Kafka, put up the claim, that it has to be a wave of fake accounts, because why else would people suddenly use the forum when something is messed up.

That was one of the first times, that I really disliked the game and the team around it.


Well, on first day of GAP, it was fixed in the same day.

It caused gnomes to drop with less frequency and the “major” part was that the devs did nothing until Monday to fix - because they “went home for the weekend.” Seriously, who runs a business like that?


Not this again. Numbers in the studio, please - the more vault events you have, the better.
Gnome rate I recorded was 9,9% and that is pretty much in line with any other vault weekend.

Apart from that, all they did was make themselves look like clowns after ‘we honestly fixed this issue’ popped up again.


Link to the statement of Kafka when the Dungeon got its “fix”:

Some short quotes directly from the statement linked above:

With all that “logic”, since the Games button clearly didn’t work “as intended” for more than half a day now, or “as commonly known”, can the tens of thousands of Adventurers expect to get some compensations about the game modes they couldn’t access/play due to not having all informations or announcements to everyone on how to access them?
f.e. daily Dungeon and Thursday Class event


The amount of people that post in this thread that are not actually reading it is amazing .


yup… me too… exactly the reason why I logged in.

Thank you for sharing this report!
Cross-posting the official thread

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