[Known Issue] Bans for Everyone?

@Hayabusa I’ve spent over an hour this afternoon going over your guild with a fine toothed comb and can’t see a discrepency in your Trophies, certainly not 50K or any reason why that number specifically would be missing (no one in your Guild had 50K trophies taken, it was either much less than that or much more and none add up to 50K together either)

I have a ticket open with your guild leader so I’ll go see if they have any further information and share what I found with them.


I think not only banned players suffered from an unfair ban. The rest could not play normally, not understanding why they were banned. Those who could play, they had to make more efforts to complete the tasks. Therefore, I think that all players need compensation. This can be done in 2 minutes. It is enough to unlock bonuses in the forge. Let me remind you that once the developers did this to compensate for their, let’s say, flaw. It seems to me that such compensation will be fair.

The one time that one-shot recipes showed up again was an unintended side effect of data migration, it just wasn’t rolled back because that would have been even more of a headache.

It seems very unfair to me, because your forge has to be at level 20 to fully benefit. Compensation should not be bound to some arbitrary gate not related in any way to whatever is supposed to get compensated. If there’s going to be a round of books on the house, make them available for everybody.