Just frustrated

Yes, you customize the settings for your defense team, so it affects whoever invades you, just as every invade you do is affected by the settings that every opponent sets. And the settings are blind to everyone but the owner, so you never know what to expect.

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Given that PVP is completely asynchronous that seems an odd design choice.

I’m not sure how else you would do it. Choose your defense team, then set your mana preferences. Set it and forget it.

Yeah, I get it now. Misunderstood originally.

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This team is meh you say? Well together like this it’s true, they suck. I’ve noticed that all along but it’s hard to stop looking at Lady Sapphira while playing being mesmerized by her vampirish sexiness and plus she’s actually strong, freezing regaining life, increasing in attack. :grin:

Now I’ve decided to use another team and even tho’ I had Valkyrie since the beginning, I’ve decdied to give her another chance, didn’t want to but since she helps a lot I will. The setup with Crimson bat last requires patience, but it’s OK. Knight Coronet works fine at the first spot. Right now I have Knight Coronet/Queen Ysabelle/Valkyrie/Crimson Bat. Queen Ysabelle is a powerful troop (don’t nerf her). Well until I get those other troops I’ll work with this team, they are doing better.

I’m thinking about getting rid of Crimson bat and using Valor because he does well against demons. If I had Guards’s Avatar that would be better. Dragon Knight does well against dragons, much needed since everyone is using dragons.

Certain troops work well together, whether they are from the same kingdom or the same class or a mix from both, I’ve noticed their actions cause more of a link that they benefit from due to their traits.

I’ve noticed too but I decided to leave my setting on default because it honestly didn’t make a difference, because there’s always gonna be a team that’ll beat my defense. In my opinion that whole thing is pointless.

Crimson Bat is a powerhouse. Pair him up with Valk and another Bat and it’s game over. Toss in a Soothsayer or whatever uses other colors in the open slot and melt through enemies like butter.

Strong AOE teams > wimpy jab one and cower teams anyday.

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Valkyrie!!! Where have you been all this time girl (she has been collecting dust). Sorry for not using you because you looked like an innocent girl, (not the real reason for not using her) but you’re clearly bad ass. Valkyrie!!!

Clearly I’ve jumped on the Valk bandwagon.


I mostly agree, and seldom bother to mess with the settings. But just knowing that people can alter the settings creates a certain amount of uncertainty and I think that is good. Watching Tacet’s videos and seeing him give the AI a turn, knowing exactly what it will choose to do, is funny to me. If he was playing on console, he’d have a lot less certainty about choosing his moves, or rather choosing what moves to leave for the AI.


If I knew how to manipulate the settings to create uncertainty that would be great.

My point is that you don’t need to manipulate the settings at all to create uncertainty. Just having the option available means that your opponent never knows what you’ve done with them, so they can’t be certain that the AI will take skulls (or whatever). Maybe you’ve turned the skull preference down all the way, who knows? Unless they play against you a lot and pay very close attention to how the AI reacts in different situations, they’ll never be able to predict. Even then, who’s to say that you don’t screw with the setting 5 times a day? So even if you know that you never mess with them, none of your opponents will ever know that.

The one thing I AM sure about, is that the AI is way better at using gem transformers and gem creators than it used to be. Before the AI update, it seemed like it was totally random which colour a Valkyrie or Giant Spider would change, and they would often make a terrible choice that would set you up to collect a ton of mana. Now, it seems like it is ALWAYS the best possible option, so they fill up their troops and get an extra turn, plus cascades. I mean, that’s fair, since it is exactly what a smart human opponent would do, but it has definitely increased the difficulty level and made transformers a lot more effective on defence.


At this rate you will get all my daily likes. Totally agree

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I hear what you’re saying but If I knew how to manipulate the settings to make the gems work in my defense team favor as the AI would, that would be great, I don’t know what I’m doing with those settings so I just leave them on default. Sure they mention setting up gem priority but why? If I took out a certain color it’ll just create extra turns or it’ll just work against me if I even touched it, that’s my guest.

I personally don’t want the AI acting smart like a human, wait, if it did, I want it acting like a not so bright one, but not like this smart human annoying, always getting extra turns, always knowing where the skulls are gonna drop, stinking human. :skull:

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I get what you’re saying. I know some people have spent some time actually tinkering with the settings and using the ‘test my defence team’ option to see how it works.

For myself, I usually just turn down the skull preference a bit and depending on the team, I might tweak the colours a bit, but not much. For example, if I had a team that uses valk to feed blue to other troops, I would turn up the preference on red and yellow so the AI is more likely to fill valk up first, and turn down the preference on blue, so it is more likely to leave blue on the board to hopefully generate 4 and 5 matches when Valk does cast.

Changing the settings shouldn’t over-ride the AI making a sensible move. For example, if you turn up the yellow, it shouldn’t ignore a blue 4-match to take a yellow 3-match, but might take yellows when it has a choice between blue and yellow and otherwise wouldn’t care.

@death is someone that I know did spend some time experimenting, so he might have more specific recommendations than me.


I gotta try this. :writing_hand:


More or less I do what you do with the sliders.
I’ve had a few wtf moments testing teams and am pretty happy with my setup ATM.
Now if the devs can fix the guardians I will be a happy little gamer.
Lol, I got wrecked by justice last night…Yep beat me to cast and spammed skulls till all troops were dead.

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The ai is random, but some choices are more likely than others. Adjusting sliders makes it more or less likely, but there is always a random element in ai gem picks.

Yup, I see it all the time, I just want to take the opportunity to say the AI is irritating at times. :robot:

In the mist of some bizarre stuff going on (in my opinion) I’m just gonna shout out a battle cry just for the fun of it when I usually hear the mana surge critical hit sequence… VALKYRIE!!! :laughing:

How can I express the way I feel about losing something I know I should’ve won but didn’t to a computer? Oh I know…

Screw you AI!!!