Journey now unplayable at higher levels

fully agree on that, esp. now that we have less WE for season medals, which is the type these pathfinders needed

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Refunds also have to include time and money. I wonder how that would happen though …

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“You’ve had almost two years of fun playing with those overpowered troops. That’s $599.99, please.”

two years that’s optimistic!!

Honestly, NOBODY wants it the way it was before. Journey has never been even almost fun. If the event had been changed, to actually make it fun, everyone would be cheering. (Yeah, ok, no they wouldn’t, because the internet. heh. But, I would be. Kudos on pvp changes, by the way.)

Before this nerf, Journey was a mind-numbingly-tedious slog, that left the average player praying that a meteor would hit them and put them out of their misery, by Thursday.

After the nerf, Journey is a mind-numbingly-tedious slog, that leaves the average player praying for that meteor on Monday.

For the record, I have no real issue with ruining the journey troops. I rarely use them outside of their events because they bore me.

But FFS… the reason these obnoxious troops exist in the first place is because of the way the scoring mechanics, event restrictions and difficulty curve of the event necessitated continuous looping. THAT is what needed to be addressed and changed, both originally (instead of the lazy band-aid of creating these poorly thought out troops) and now. THEN go back and fix what ya broke with the troops.

I apologize for my less than cheerful tone. It’s just frustrating reading dismissive replies to feedback.


Based on the current spoilers, it cannot be a Purple/Wargare event restriction. The troop is green/yellow.

I interpret it was Green/Wargare because the Glory Shop troop for the week is green/blue. In past Journey events where we’ve had a Glory Shop troop independent of the Pathfinder, that Glory Shop troop has always been eligible for the event as well. (The same has applied to both troops released for a Tower of Doom week when those were exclusive to the week between Campaigns.)

Either way, wargare again? Ugh. Can we have some variety please?

it was always about the gem creation of the pathfinder, only difference now is, that the next pathfinder won’t even use its own color…you can call it another nerf, but green would allow new pathfinder and todd, but we’ll see

I’ve have considered turning this into it’s own topic for jouney improvement ideas, but I don’t feel like managing it, so I’ll just throw my ideas out here:

I’m actually happy with the change in the journey event. Before the nerf I would sloughly plow through the enemy team with the journey troop, now I’m quickly going through it with Mang, Sir Quentin Hadly and Stone Viper. I do think journey has a lot of potential, because the combination of the color and troop type really forces you to build teams with troops that you don’t often use.

However, the current journey troop is a bit of a dead weight. Also, the enemies scale really hard without much counterbalance. So I’ll share a couple of ideas here on what could improve the event.

The ideas are roughly sorted from simple to complex, and aren’t mutually exclusive:

  1. Make the current journey troop a converter. In that way the mana generation won’t set up the enemy without the AI being able to loop infinitely.
  2. Let us pick up more stats along the way. Maybe make us pick up the stats for the whole guild, so that lower level players can be supported by stats collected by higher level players.
  3. Give the journey troop a spell that scales with the strength of the enemy. Boosted by the stats of the enemy, give all allies magic, do more damage or have a higher chance of devour or kill. The boost could be unique to the journey event.
  4. Give the journey troop a trait that scales with the strength of the enemy. Steal 10% of stats when matching green gems for example.
  5. Make some statues for the whole guild where we can dump ingots and simple orbs in. Growth orbs for more life, wisdom orbs for armor, ingot orbs for attack and ascension orbs for magic. This can be a bit brutal for guilds without end game players, but does provide a use for resources that some of us now just have lying around.
  6. Let us turn traitstones into journey gifts for our guild mates. These journey gifts could for example be used to fill up mana for a troop or to generate mana (potions) on the board.
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this is possible … looks to ToD

lots more tesla troops :rofl:

i would like this to persist from journey to journey and have a hard limit each week to stop really end game players dumping resources and marching up the leader board with ease


Probably still a refund at 600 bucks. :flushed::joy:

who do i have to pleasure for my refund?

Gems of War: We’re going to create a second Green Journey Pathfinder looper before we bring out the First Yellow Journey Pathfinder looper. We’re going to leave Divine Ishballa with a 40% mana start to divines despite the band-aid outliving its purpose. We’re still not going to release the Green Storm at the start of every turn troop to finish the cycle despite Umberwolf releasing 2271 days ago (October 30, 2017).

tl;dr: no

any logical result should be yes, but alas


I made a funny team to play:

Black beast up front, Adelwing in the back and a summoning weapon (obsidian libram for me)

First move each battle is to eat the bird :+1:

add skull converter of choice (quentin for me) and a class with hunters mark talent, keep eating the 4th spot summon and hope for quick hits and skull cascades

Maybe other strategies could be more efficient but I like the symbolism of this one :wink:


Reminds me of running Black Beast with Spiritdancer. Because Spirit Foxes are delicious.


Every previous Pathfinder that created gems did so in one of its’ own colors.

I don’t deny the possibility that it could be Purple/Wargare, but if that’s the case then the spoiler information is wrong in respect to the next Pathfinder’s colors. Or it’s another of those major foul-ups by the development team insofar as creating a troop that cannot be used in the event for which it is captain, much like how they once released a “5th delve troop” that couldn’t be deployed inside its’ own delve.

And all this is before one attempts the headache-inducing exercise that would be trying to assemble a viable Purple/Wargare team for this event.

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Brilliant team! Love it. :rofl: There is something so satisfying about dispatching that wart Adelwing.


I wish we could have more emojis besides the heart. This actually made me laugh out loud. But saying so with 10 emojis (10 minimum characters to reply) means it would look like this

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And that seems a bit excessive :wink:


Journey is already unplayable. I lost a fight not even 60 battles aka 7000 miles in. Usually that happens around 200 or later. And I’ve already lost more miles in 2 days than I used to lose in 7 …


Get creative. Use Mang.