Is This the Beginning of the End of Gems of War? Or is it Just Me?

ET, sir! Might I suggest that your current downswing may be linked the the coming season of Autumn? I know it hits my roommate from time to time- she’s actually got a sun lamp for her room to stave off the languid feeling of the dark and stagnant mid-evening air. I don’t really understand it, but hey, she says it helps.

Anyway- maybe you’ll feel better if you get some time with people who support you in a non-argumentative fashion and/or setting? Try spending some time with your family, or go on a brisk walk and self-reflect for a bit. No doubt this won’t magically fix everything, sir, but at least you’ll have some time to decompress and feel better about your life so you can get back to making us trophies. All the best!

This is exactly what I meant, leaving now.

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Yup, same old same old…

If ya want to quit dude just do it, you don’t need community attention and/or affirmation …

But from the sounds of global, that’s exactly who and what you want :wink:

(HINT: yes you were an a*hole to me, hence the reply here … people create their own preceptions and environments)

On topic, I don’t think it’s more heated now than it was before the 2.1 update.

Does nobody remember some of the discussions about Goblin spam, Mercy, Maw, Manticore, etc.?

There’s always been some level of hostility here when it comes to highly-divisive and charged subjects. It’s normal, especially on an Internet forum where people have some level of anonymity.

Always thought the goblin complaints were an inside joke everyone told :stuck_out_tongue:

The new system even with limits on how much you get makes newer players want to finish them as opposed to the limitless gem/key hoarding. People wants goals, it’s like getting legend in Hearthstone. Yay that you got the card back but now what :frowning: I’m sure that the other older players are just bored tbh. Once you get OP teams, can win in less than a minute and have everything it’s dull.
TL;DR Boredom sucks.

Well, I apologize if I said something to you on global that was taken the wrong way. I don’t have a problem with 99.999999% of the people that play this game. Is it possible you mistook me joking around with someone else as a comment directed at you? :thinking:

I don’t have a problem with anything you have said, however there are one or two who seem to make their sole purpose in life to prowl around forums looking for any opportunity to leave a condescending or derogatory or mean spirited comment in a post or in a reply in a thread.

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I’ve definitely noticed a decline in civility, and an uptick in derailing of topics, over this year. I think Gems is a victim of its own success: The game has grown (3x on Steam, and probably as much or more on Apple/Google) and with that the sense of community, and the quality of the community (imho), has declined. Now that I think about it, I think the guild nerfs have had a negative impact as well (though I guess it was calls for nerfs on troops before it was calls for buffs on payouts). That’s not to say it’s bad now (and it’s definitely better than most), and I don’t think it signals “the beginning of the end”, but I’ve noticed the change.

Not sure there’s much to be done. Having the dev team back around will definitely help. I assume the next update will address some of the player feedback, which will also help. But it’s really just not realistic to expect the same community that existed when the game was much smaller. The only thing I can really see having a massive impact is if they roll out some amazing new features over the next couple of updates. Guild Wars certainly could make a big impact, if they nail it.


I don’t think it’s the end of “Gems of War” because they’re doing well.

However, I DO notice that even in my own guild there is a general dislike of the new changes without giving all the “endgamers” something to do now that Trophies are completely worthless outside of bragging rights thanks to the nerfing of the tasks. We’ve even had people quit the guild over arguments about ‘grinding for trophies’ when there is little tangible benefit.

I don’t know what percentage “endgamers” are in terms of game revenue and driving the game forward in innovation, but it did feel like a heavy handed change to make without something like Guild Wars or something that would keep us occupied after reaching PVP rank 1 and maxing out all our tasks.

Sad to say, I’ve started playing other games because of this where GoW used to be my ‘exclusive’ game I played on my mobile. Not because I’m angry and am punishing GoW, but because there is little to grind for once I max out my seals and pvp rank. Sure I get some gold and a traitstone for each pvp battle but I joined my guild because I like playing as a team and being part of a team. Most of my team just sits around grumbling about the changes once we max everything out Monday morning.

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This is what I meant about “idle hands.”

A lot of toxic behavior I’ve seen is trolls, which comes with a popular game.
I see complaints and grumblings about changes/changes needed valid criticism, but some are unable to express their thoughts in a calm and non-aggressive manner.
I feel a lot of hostility now, comes from trolls people have experienced, and are ready to shut down.

That’s how I see it, but I also might have not seen/experienced the same things as others.

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I kinda like the new guild changes, but PvP v2, and the new mythics that are unobtainable for me, but not others has me in great decline.

I used to love the fact you could farm glory and get a “good” troop every week, but now they give you the trash troops in glory rewards and PvP is against the same teams over and over. We need variety, we need more things to achieve.

I wouldn’t care if it cost 5000 glory for a mythic card from glory, it would give me something to farm for.

Losing interest though, and these server issues do not help.


I haven’t seen the word troll misused so much in my life honestly.

Most here must think @Sirrian and @Nimhain are doing a bad job with the “trolls” and negativity, they are just too scared to say it.

For all the people who think I’m an issue, I implore you to report me. You all act like I’m not in communication with the Devs and I’m out of control. I have been given a “list” of stuff that is a violation and I have been adhering to it. Otherwise, I’d already be gone.

When I refer to trolls I’m speaking about individuals who actively attempt to get reaction from global chat, usually surrounding sensitive issues surrounding race, religion, politics, things in NO relation to the game!

Yeah I wasn’t speaking to you specifically, and those things are definitely trolling. There’s a lot of sly hint hint and gentle implications in here and I’m not stupid enough to know it isn’t directed (in part) towards me because I love me some memes.

Now that you mention it, I think it’s also Bc there’s newer faces. A player that I’ll miss is Magronstarr? Is that how you spell it? Always chill and helping people out. I’ll miss the smaller community on chat but game has to grow :frowning:

Also on chat I’m sure nobody really means anything negative unless they want a reaction out of it. Trolls are everywhere :confused:

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On global chat I have seen people vent their frustration re certain features of the game ever since I started playing. I have seen people vent re RL issues too sometimes over and over - health problems come to mind. But regarding game issues where else and to whom else are they gonna do it? This does not mean they are trolls or that they are negative or toxic. As I have seen stated here trolls have a different motive (I am sure you all can think of some who got banned from chat for such). Negative people are negative all the time as are toxic people. ET is none of these. He was/has been frustrated and turned to those who could understand and maybe even empathize with him. After all we do that for those who share health issues or other RL problems … so why not this. I am not a high end player but if I were I would be frustrated too.

The guild changes are less than satisfactory imo to many at all levels of play. The biggest group benefiting are new/low level players IF they can get in a guild producing enough task rewards. Time will tell if the changes hold people in the LONG TERM but it becomes meaningless at worst and a grind at best at high levels and then maybe time to move on unless you just enjoy match 3 games :).

I am not sure exactly what the Devs base ‘success’ on unless it is revenue (and who can blame them - it is needed to keep the game up) and maybe this change has increased that due to purchases to increase seals. They say guild changes only negatively affects the small percentage of persons who are in top end guilds but I disagree. It is affecting low to mid level guilds too though initially it might feel like it is for the better. But ask them at the end of the week when getting tasks to 12 or reaching the 40k guild chest level are just plain out of reach … no matter how hard you individually play. What I suspect but have no way of knowing for sure is that all guilds play hot and heavy at the event change and for how long that lasts depends on how hard core and active but within a few hours to a few days most people have gotten to req from their guild and/or max seals. Unless you enjoy grinding for trophies and/or match 3 games not much left. This is and has been the nemesis of many games … providing high end content. Again imo this game is falling victim to that too.


Thanks for the input, Isak. I think you hit the general population’s thoughts and feelings in this matter right on the head. It’s people like yourself that give me hope and keep me in this community! Best of luck moving forward, and hopefully by the time you do hit the high end of the game, things will have changed for the better for those deserving of such.

@ExtraTurn: or maybe you’re just getting a bit bored with the game and that’s why you have less patience for this kind of thing ?

I know that is the case for myself which is why I have been visiting the forums much less these past few weeks (forum behaviour seems just about the same now as it did in the summer). There will always be people who are just annoying on internet forums but all you can really do in that case is just ignore them or report them if they cross the lines.

I can’t say anything about global chat because I’ve never used it…