Is the server down?

Works for me

Same here, I’m in!

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Yaaaaaay…:smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile: (…5 hours later…)


Did you just ship those two troops? Guys it is Monday (for most i would hope) so servers get slammed on mondays so try to bare with it.

With respect, @killerman3333 I believe 5+ solid hours of players not being able to log in is more than server pressure.There was definately something else going on in my opinion - and I dont think we all needed to undress whilst we were waiting :smile:

ptwwwwww (the sound of spitting water) Undress?!

Hey everyone,

As you know, we did phase #1 of our server migration last week (databases). It went beautifully and has been performing better ever since. Our number of support issues dropped by over 35% last week after the migration. :tada:

The bit that went wrong earlier today was actually the bit we’ll be moving in phase #2 (cloud services). Unfortunately that’s still 2 months away, and there is quite a bit more work still to be done in moving that one. Hopefully we don’t see too many more of these outages, but it’s a possibility.

Oh, and we’ll be mailing out some compensation to everyone for the downtime as usual.


V.2.1 still confirmed for 2 months away, reconfirmed. :wink:


Well, I got your pun about the typo…

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@sirrian Thank you for the (prospective) compensation - most generous as usual. As you can see - we all had a nice time chillaxing in this thread whilst waiting for you to extract the disgruntled nerfed goblins from their new (smelly) den in your server.